Thursday, August 17, 2017

How to Design System from Idea


First select the domain/area which is interested in you and then within that domain select the specific subject for system design. For example automating transportation sector is the main domain but bus reservation system is the specific subject.

The System Development is done in many ways depend upon the system size or advantages of the way using: Water Fall, Spiral Model and Code-N-Fix.

The Code-N-Fix is a simple & widely used software life cycle model. Here, as itself the name suggests, repeat the following steps until the solution is good enough:

1.    Code

2.    Compile & Execute

3.    Detect Errors

4.    Fix

Advantage of Cod-N-Fix is cost efficient for very small projects of limited complexity.

Here we design RAM based system as prototyping as it – reduces development time and costs, requires user involvement, results in higher user satisfaction, and exposes developers to potential future system enhancements.


The objective of this project is to develop a computerized solution, which should be able to monitor and manage all the activities of Bus reservation system by using computer systems. It saves time. The software will be CUI based and user friendly.   


BRS Sys Diagram 2017 

System Analysis: It is a management technique, which helps us in designing a new system or improving an existing system. There are four basic elements in the structured analysis of the system.

Output: To achieve a CUI based facility to show bus schedule details, seat layout with occupied/empty status & allows operator to reserve an unoccupied bus seat.

Input: All inputs are added by operator/user, such as: driver name, To-From, Arrival-Departure times, passenger’s name & seat number for reservation etc.

Files: Here the system is not files/database based, instead RAM or temporary based stand-alone system. It is a prototype or a model of a big system.

Processes: The business logic or algorithm or code blocks which convert input into useful output is to be defined. The processing involves a set of logical steps.

Developer Requirements:

Personal Computer Or PC with Windows OS

Compiler or Tool: Code::Block Or Turbo C

Programming Language: C++

User Interface Type: CUI [Character User Interface]

User Requirements:

PC or Personal Computer with WindowsXp/7 OS

64MB RAM, 8 MB of free Hard Disk Memory


Cost/Benefit Analysis: Since system design is about RAM based Bus Reservation System a prototype, cost/benefit are identified and estimated lightly.

Testing: In the testing phase/fix phase the system is tested for its efficiency. Under this process, a system is provided with a set of test cases and is observed if the system behaves as expected. The aim of this phase is to make the final product free of errors. Testing is done in two phases: Unit testing and System testing.

The development phase of a project is not complete without testing the system. There are many UML [Unified Model Language] tools for developer perusal: flow chart, use case, state diagram, ER diagram or Data flow diagram etc. These tools help developer to see the flow of code visually.

See also: C++ Mini Projects List for code review

Note: For source code and other details send request e-mail specifying project name: to Add your comments in below available comment box.

Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: C++MiniProject


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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