Thursday, October 7, 2010

1.4 Flowcharts & Control Program Structures

Hello Readers:

I have started this blog to show you Embedded C programming for 8051 family microcontroller using KEIL compiler. The KISS philosophy is used to write this tutorial. What is KISS? Keep It Simple, Stupid!

1.4       Flowcharts & Control Program Structures

Flowcharts: Flowcharts use graphic symbols to represent different types of program operations. These symbols are connected together into a flowchart to show the flow of execution of a program. The Fig 1.4.1 shows commonly used flowchart symbols.

Note: Flow charts are not statement to statement translation of code or program. It only shows the algorithm in graphical form.

Some of the program control structures
Structured programming uses three basic types of program control structures: sequence, control and iteration.

The Sequence is simply executing instructions one after another. The Fig 1.4.2 shows it.

The Control programming structures are IF…Then and IF…Else and are shown in Fig 1.4.2

The three iteration programming structures are WHILE, DO…WHILE and FOR and are shown in Fig 1.5.4

<End of 1.4   Flowcharts & Control Program Structures>  

...till next post bye-bye & take care.

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