Saturday, November 20, 2021

How computer system works?

After knowing Data-Information-and computer user needs to know how computer works or knowing elements of the computing process.

Elements of the computing process or how computer system works?

A computer system is made up of both hardware and software and in the process of converting data to information computer uses both. Software is another term for computer program. Software controls the computer and makes it do useful work. Without software a computer is useless. Software, on the other hand, is electronic information: files, operating system, graphics, computer programs are all example of software.

Hardware refers to the physical components that make up a computer system. These include the computer's processor, memory, monitor, keyboard, mouse, disk drive, and printer and so on.

The difference between hardware and software reflects the duality between the physical and mental worlds: for example, your brain is hardware, whereas your mind is software.

Processing data into information (the computing process) involves more elements than just hardware and software. All these elements must be organized so that each works smoothly and efficiently with the others. In the computing process, computers integrate the use of five key elements which are given as follows:

-        Hardware

-        Software

-        Data  

-        People

-        Procedures

The computing process, in short, includes everything and everyone necessary for the computer to perform a useful task. The following sections show that ‘how each of these elements works in the process’.


The hardware is the machinery itself. It is made up of the physical parts or devices of the computer system like the electronic Integrated Circuits (ICs), magnetic storage media and other mechanical devices like input devices, output devices etc. All these various hardware are linked together to form an effective functional unit. The various types of hardware used in the computers, has evolved from vacuum tubes of the first generation to Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits of the present generation.


The computer hardware itself is not capable of doing anything on its own. It has to be given explicit instructions to perform the specific task. The computer program is the one which controls the processing activities of the computer. The computer thus functions according to the instructions written in the program. Software mainly consists of these computer programs, procedures and other documentation used in the operation of a computer system. Software is a collection of programs which utilize and enhance the capability of the hardware.


Computers transform data into information. Data is the raw material; information is processed data. Data is the input to the processing; information is the output. A useful model to describe the relationship between data and information is called the systems model. It shows that data goes into a process and information is then output. Fig. 1.3.1 describes this model.

Fig. : A System Model


Several characteristics distinguish useful information from data. The purpose of information is to help people for making well-informed decisions, but what makes information useful? Information must be relevant, timely, accurate, concise and complete in order to be useful. Data must be accurate but doesn’t need to be relevant, timely or concise. Below table describes these characteristics.

Table: Characteristics of useful information



One may be surprised to learn that people are part of the computing process. Some computers, such as the computer chip that controls an automobile engine, function without human intervention. But even these computers were designed by people and occasionally require maintenance by people.

Most computers require people, who are called users (or sometimes end users). Some users progress beyond the basics of computer literacy. They learn the advanced features of application programs.

With this knowledge, these users can customize an application program for a specific task. These knowledgeable people are called power users.

Computer professionals have taken intermediate and advanced courses about computers. These people apply their professional training to improve the performance, ease of use and efficiency of computer systems. One kind of computer professional is the programmer, who creates new computer programs. Excellent career opportunities exist for students interested in becoming computer professionals.


Procedures are the steps that one must follow to accomplish a specific computer-related task. Part of a user’s computer literacy is, knowing common procedures. We already know several computer procedures. For example, we have probably used an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). Inside, the ATM is a computer. In response to the on-screen messages, called prompts, we insert our card, enter our Personal Identification Number (PIN) and tell the machine how much money we want.

Most computers that sit on a desktop are called Personal Computers (PCs).

The "computer" is an ensemble of different machines that you will be using to get your job done. A computer is primarily made of the Central Processing Unit (usually referred to as the computer), the monitor, the keyboard, and the mouse. Other pieces of hardware are commonly referred to as peripherals.


All of the components of a computer system can be summarized with the simple equations.


• Hardware = Internal Devices + Peripheral Devices All physical parts of the computer (or everything that we can touch) are known as Hardware.

• Software = Set of Programs. Software gives "intelligence" to the computer.

• USER = Person, who operates computer.


Relationship between Hardware and Software

• Hardware and software are mutually dependent on each other. Both of them must work together to make a computer produce a useful output.

• Software cannot be utilized without supporting hardware.

• Hardware without set of programs to operate upon cannot be utilized and is useless.

• To get a particular job done on the computer, relevant software should be loaded into the hardware

• Hardware is a one-time expense.

• Software development is very expensive and is a continuing expense.

• Different software applications can be loaded on a hardware to run different jobs.

• A software acts as an interface between the user and the hardware.

• If hardware is the 'heart' of a computer system, then software is its 'soul'. Both are complimentary to each other.

Last point

Software is the stuff that makes your computer do things for you. The computer without software would be like a home entertainment system with no tapes, CD’s, or movies - you have the machine, but there’s   nothing to play on it. Software is continually developed. Each time the software maker (Microsoft, Adobe, Corel, etc.) develops a new version of their software they assign it a version number. Before Microsoft Word 7, there was Microsoft Word 6.0.1, and before that Word 6.0. The larger the developments made to the software, the larger the version number changes. Usually a large change will result in a whole number upgrade; a small change may result in a tenth of a decimal place.

Post activity:

In this post we covered elements of the computing process or how computer system works in detail. If more detailed information is needed please browse or search the internet for above terms.

Keywords: Hardware, Software, Data, People, Procedures, Computer, Data processing.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care.

For table of content click here 

Friday, November 19, 2021

What is computer?


A computer is a programmable machine designed to perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically and sequentially on the input given by the user and gives the desired output after processing. Computer components are divided into two major categories namely hardware and software. Hardware is the machine itself and its connected devices such as monitor, keyboard, mouse etc. Software are the set of programs that make use of hardware for performing various functions.


A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory. These instructions tell the machine what to do. The computer is capable of accepting data (input), processing data arithmetically and logically, producing output from the processing, and storing the results for future use.


A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations. Or other words you can say Computers are machines that performs tasks or calculations according to a set of instructions, or programs.


The word computer is derived from the word compute. Compute means to calculate. The computer was originally defined as a super-fast calculator. It had the capacity to solve complex arithmetic and scientific problems at very high speed. But nowadays in addition to handling complex arithmetic computations, computers perform many other tasks like accepting, sorting, selecting, moving, comparing various types of information. They also perform arithmetic and logical operations on alphabetic, numeric and other types of information. This information provided by the user to the computer is data.

The information in one form which is presented to the computer is the input information or input data.

Information in another form is presented by the computer after performing a process on it.

This information is the output information or output data.

The set of instructions given to the computer to perform various operations is called as the computer program. The process of converting the input data into the required output form with the help of the computer program is called as data processing. The computers are therefore also referred to as data processors. Therefore a computer can now be defined as a fast and accurate data processing system that accepts data, performs various operations on the data, has the capability to store the data and produce the results on the basis of detailed step by step instructions given to it.


More accurately, we can define a computer as a device that operates upon data. Data can be anything like bio-data, hence computer is used for short listing candidates for recruiting; marks obtained by students in when used for preparing results; details (name, age, sex, etc.) of passengers when used for or railway reservations: or number of different parameters when used for solving scientific problems, etc.

Hence, data comes in various shapes and sizes depending upon the type of computer application. A computer can and retrieves data as and when desired. The fact that computers process data is so fundamental that have started calling it a data processor.

The name data processor is more inclusive because modern computers not only compute in the usual sense but also perform other functions with data that flows to and from them. For example, data processors may gather data from various incoming sources, merge (process of mixing or putting together) them all, sort (process of arranging in some of sequence— ascending or descending) them in the desired order, and finally print them in desired format.

Notice that none of these operations involves arithmetic computations in the usual sense but a computer is the most suitable device for performing them.

People usually consider a computer to be a calculating device that can perform arithmetic operations at high speed. It is also known as a data processor because it not only computes in the usual sense but also performs other functions with the data.

The activity of processing data using a computer is called data processing. Data processing consists of three sub-activities: capturing input data, manipulating the data, and managing output results. As used in data processing, information is data arranged in an order and form that is useful to people receiving it. Hence, data is raw material used as input to data processing and information is processed data obtained as output of data processing.


Post activity:

In this post we covered what is computer in detail. If more detailed information is needed please browse or search the internet for above terms.

Keywords: Computer, Data processing.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care.

For table of content click here


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Data-Information-and Computer

 The objective of this post is to enable students understand the following basic concepts:

(a) Definition of the computer

(b) Basic understanding of data processing

(c) The concept of data and information

(d) Methods of data processing

(e) Characteristics of a computer

Much of science and technology involves making observations and assembling facts or data. A collection of data is of little value of its own; it has to be interpreted and valid conclusions drawn from it. This is done efficiently by computer.

Data vs. Information [in general]

Data is a collection of facts and figures. Information is defined as processed data. There is a subtle difference between data and information. Data are the details from which information is derived. Individual pieces of data are rarely useful alone. For data to become information, data needs to be put into context. Data can be any character, text, words, number, pictures, sound, or video and, if not put into context, means little or nothing to a human. However, information is useful and usually formatted in a manner that allows it to be understood by a human. What may be information for one person may be data for another person. This is true when we see information flows in managerial hierarchy. For information to be useful to the decision maker, it must have certain characteristics and meet certain criteria.

Some of the characteristics of good information are discussed as follows

i. Understandable:

Since information is already in a summarized form, it must be understood by the receiver so that he will interpret it correctly. He must be able to decode any abbreviations, shorthand notations or any other acronyms contained in the information.

ii. Relevant:

Information is good only if it is relevant. This means that it should be pertinent and meaningful to the decision maker and should be in his area of responsibility.

iii. Complete:

It should contain all the facts that are necessary for the decision maker to satisfactorily solve the problem at hand using such information. Nothing important should be left out. Although information cannot always be complete, every reasonable effort should be made to obtain it.

iv. Available:

Information may be useless if it is not readily accessible ‘in the desired form, when it is needed. Advances in technology have made information more accessible today than ever before.

v. Reliable:

The information should be counted on to be trustworthy. It should be accurate, consistent with facts and verifiable. Inadequate or incorrect information generally leads to decisions of poor quality. For example, sales figures that have not been adjusted for returns and refunds are not reliable.

vi. Concise:

Too much information is a big burden on computer/management and cannot be processed in time and accurately due to “bounded rationality”. Bounded rationality determines the limits of the thinking process which cannot sort out and process large amounts of information. Accordingly, information should be to the point and just enough – no more, no less.

vii. Timely:

Information must be delivered at the right time and the right place to the right person. Premature information can become obsolete or be forgotten by the time it is actually needed.

Similarly, some crucial decisions can be delayed because proper and necessary information is not available in time, resulting in missed opportunities. Accordingly the time gap between collection of data and the presentation of the proper information to the decision maker must be reduced as much as possible.

viii. Cost-effective:

The information is not desirable if the solution is more costly than the problem. The cost of gathering data and processing it into information must be weighed against the benefits derived from using such information.

Comparison between Data and Information


Data is raw, unorganized facts that need to be processed. Data can be something simple and seemingly random and useless until it is organized.

When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make it useful, it is called information.


Each student's test score is one piece of data.

The average score of a class or of the entire school is information that can be derived from the given data.


"Data" comes from a singular Latin word, datum, which originally meant "something given." Its early usage dates back to the 1600s. Over time "data" has become the plural of datum.

"Information" is an older word that dates back to the 1300s and has Old French and Middle English origins. It has always referred to "the act of informing,” usually in regard to education, instruction, or other knowledge communication


Data and information [specific to computer]

The computer is just a dead collection of plastic, silicon and metal until you press the ‘Power’ button. One little burst of electricity and it starts a string 
of events that puts life and power into the machine. But, even at this stage, the computer is unaware of the potential that it holds within itself. The computer, today, is a fundamental part of the information age.

Initially, computers were developed to perform mathematical operations, but later on, they were used to store the result of those operations, which with the time leads to the storage of other data or information.

As we are talking about data and information, now we will learn what data is and what is called as information?


Data is a collection of unprocessed facts, figures, and symbols.

E.g. Tom, age, 32, years, old

Information is a processed form of data. It is organized, meaningful, and useful.

E.g. Tom is 32 years old. Or Tom’s age is 32 years.

A computer can be defined as an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user. It uses a set of instructions (called program) to process the data and give the result (output). The result can be used immediately or saved for future use.

Data and its use

In everyday life activities, we process data or encounter cases of data processing. A typical example of data processing is the generation of statement of student result from the marks score in an examination and continuous assessment. It is essential to know that information is as good as the data from which it is derived, and the transformation process which they are subjected to. Meaningless data or inappropriate processing produces wrong information. Thus computer gives you results corresponding to what data you supply and how you process it (i.e. ‘garbage- in, garbage-out’).

Summarily, the intelligent performance of a computer depends on correctness of input data and the intelligence performance of the human being that drives it.

Data processing: Definitions

Computer: A computer is basically defined as a tool or machine used for processing data to give required information. It is capable of:

a. taking input data through the keyboard (input unit)

b. storing the input data in a diskette, hard disk or other medium

c. processing it at the central processing unit (CPU) and

d. giving out the result (output) on the screen or the Visual Display Unit (VDU).

Fig : Schematic diagram to define a computer  


Data: The term data is referred to facts about a person, object or place e.g. name, age, complexion, school, class, height etc.

Information: Is referred to as processed data or a meaningful statement e.g. Net pay of workers, examination results of students, list of successful candidates in an examination or interview etc.

Methods of Data Processing

The following are the three major methods that have been widely used for data processing over the years:

a. Manual method

b. Mechanical method and

c. Computer method.

Manual Method

The manual method of data processing involves the use of chalk, wall, pen pencil and the like.

These devices, machine or tools facilitate human efforts in recording, classifying, manipulating, sorting and presenting data or information. The manual data processing operations entail considerable manual efforts. Thus, manual method is cumbersome, tiresome, boring, frustrating and time consuming. Furthermore, the processing of data by the manual method is likely to be affected by human errors. When there are errors, then the reliability, accuracy, neatness, tidiness, and validity of the data would be in doubt. The manual method does not allow for the processing of large volume of data on a regular and timely basis.

Mechanical Method

The mechanical method of data processing involves the use of machines such as typewriter, roneo machines, adding machines and the like. These machines facilitate human efforts in recording, classifying, manipulating, sorting and presenting data or information. The mechanical operations are basically routine in nature. There is virtually no creative thinking. The mechanical operations are noisy, hazardous, error prone and untidy. The mechanical method does not allow for the processing of large volume of data continuously and timely.

Computer Method

The computer method of carrying out data processing has the following major features:

a. Data can be steadily and continuously processed

b. The operations are practically not noisy

c. There is a store where data and instructions can be stored temporarily and permanently.

d. Errors can be easily and neatly corrected.

e. Output reports are usually very neat, decent and can be produced in various forms such as adding graphs, diagrams, pictures etc.

f. Accuracy and reliability are highly enhanced.

Post activity:

In this post we covered data-information and computer in detail. If more detailed information is needed please browse or search the internet for above terms.

Keywords: Data, Information, Computer, Data processing.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care.

For table of content click here

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Computer Basics: Introduction

In the new era of technical world, personal computers have become an integral part of human lives. Take any example of life; most of our communication with the world around us takes place with the help of these personal computers. Personal computers are based on the microprocessor technology which works on microchip technology. We can use personal computers for word processing, accounting, desktop publishing, and spreadsheet and database management applications.

Today, almost all of us in the world make use of computers in one way or the other. It finds applications in various fields of engineering, medicine, commercial, research and others. Not only in these sophisticated areas, but also in our daily lives, computers have become indispensable. They are present everywhere, in all the devices that we use daily like cars, games, washing machines, microwaves etc. and in day to day computations like banking, reservations, electronic mails, internet and many more.


Computer is one of the most powerful tools man has ever created. Computers have made a great impact on our everyday life. Today, computer technology has permeated every sphere of existence of modern man. With the growing information needs in the modern world, the computer has become one of the vital components for the survival of the business houses.

The presence of computers is felt in almost every working place from the bus, air and railway ticket counters to satellite launching, from retail stores to medical diagnosis and from home use to research organizations.

Everywhere, we witness the elegance, sophistication and efficiency made possible only with the help of computers. Computer has become a part and parcel of our daily life.

Present computer

Fundamentals of Computers

A system can be defined as a set of components that work together to accomplish one or more common goals. A Computer is nothing but a system accepting input from a user, process the same, and giving the output in the required format. In other words a computer is a machine, which can be programmed to compute. The characteristics of a computer are:

• Response to a specific set of commands called as Instructions.

• Execution of a prerecorded list of instructions called Program


Capabilities of computers

Stepping down from the domains of technical people such as scientists and engineers; computer, today, is a very familiar household word. In 1950's computers were special purpose machines, which only huge institutions such as governments and universities could afford. In the 1960's modern computer began to revolutionize the business world and today it has become popular with all kinds of people from business to employees, from doctors to lawyers and from players to school going children. Today, computers are directly or indirectly influencing every aspect of our lives. Wherever human intellect and technology meet, we will find computers. Computers of all sizes and shapes are used for every purpose imaginable - from selling railway tickets to running washing machines; from stock market analysis to playing games; from publishing a new letter to designing a building… They can perform activities ranging from simple calculations to performing complex CAD modelling and simulations to navigating missiles and satellites. Computers can communicate with other computers and can receive and send data in various forms like text, sound, video, graphics, etc. This ability of computer to communicate to one another has led to the development of computer networks, Internet, WWW and so on.

Today, we can send e-mail to people all around the world. We, now, live in a connected world and all this is because of computers and other related technologies. 

What is a modern Computer Journey?

A Computer is a group of electronic devices used to process data. In the 1950s, computers were massive, special-purpose machines that only huge institutions such as governments and universities could afford. Primarily, these early computers performed complex numerical tasks, such as calculating the precise orbit of Mars or planning the trajectories of missiles or processing statistics for the Bureau of the census. Although computers were certainly useful for tasks like these, it soon became apparent that they could also be helpful in an ordinary business environment.

In the 1960s, modern computers began to revolutionize the business world. IBM introduced its System/360 mainframe computer in April 1964 and ultimately sold over 33,000 of these machines. As a result of the commercial success of its System/360, IBM became the standard against which other computer manufacturers and their systems would be measured for years to come.

In the 1970s, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) took two more giant steps toward bringing computers into mainstream use with the introduction of its PDP-11 and VAX computers. These models came in many sizes to meet different needs and budgets. Since then, computers continue to shrink in size while providing more power for less money. Today, the most common type of computer you will see is called a personal or PC, because it is designed to be used by just one person at a time. Despite its small size the modern personal computer is more powerful than any of the room-sized machines of the 1960s.

Post activity:

In this post we covered introduction to computers, capabilities of computers and Modern journey of computer in brief. If detailed information is needed please browse or search the internet for above terms.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care.

For table of content click here

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Computer Basics: Index

Nowadays, computers are an integral part of our lives. They are used for the reservation of tickets for airplanes and railways, payment of telephone and electricity bills, deposit and withdrawal of money from banks, processing of business data, forecasting of weather conditions, diagnosis of diseases, searching for information on the Internet, etc. Computers are also used extensively in schools, universities, organizations, music industry, movie industry, scientific research, law firms, fashion industry, etc.

This post series takes some of the mystery out of computers. In this post series I’ll take a good hard look at a computer from the front, back, and yes, even inside. You’ll understand what all those confusing ports on the back of the computer are for and why it’s important for your computer to have a fast CPU. Best of all, we’ll explain all of this in simple terms, so you won’t need an engineering degree to understand everything.

Ready to tackle your computer? Great—below is the table of content and let’s get started…

Note that the tone of the post series is academic, so that students can refer it!

Keywords: Computer Basics, Fundamentals of Computer

Computer Basics: Index


Computer Basics: Introduction


Data-Information-and Computer


What is Computer?


How Computer System Works?


Computer Organization


Why we need computer? [not application]


 Brief History and evolution of computer -1


 Brief History and evolution of computer -2


 Brief History and evolution of computer -3


 Profile of computer generations  

Types or classification of computer - 1

Types or classification of computer - 2

Types or classification of computer - 3

Types or classification of computer - 4

Computer basics:Other Factors - 1

Computer basics:Other Factors - 2




Sunday, November 14, 2021

Why this post: Me and my C/C++ code packages for students


In the programming world one idiom is very popular: “code it or buy it!” Usually you never start creating something in software world from scratch, you get framework/design patterns or 3rs party libraries or at least inbuilt tools from standard committee with any programming language. So learning any programming language is one thing and writing own project in it is another thing.

So take a working project code, study it or take it as reference and design your own system with ease. There are plenty of things to do with working-project, add features to it or enhance its working capability etc. Work smarter not harder: that is the must-motto comes with digital world.

When you search of anything on internet you get plenty of variety resources at your disposal. Surely, not all are workable, desirable or useful ones. So I devised a system, I search and download the things from internet and make them a package and put it on sale on my on-line store. All my packages are ever-green topics related ones. So do visit my online store and make purchase and save your time, energy and interest.

This post is about paid codes package available in my online store, please visit it here.

Something about payment:

Each package is very cheap in cost, and if you are Indian they pay through paytm or Google pay. If you are non-Indian then pay through paypal account [or otherwise make an Indian friend in your locality and ask him to pay in Indian currency through his relatives!].

Note: for free 18 Mini C++ projects code click here.

8 C++ Mini Projects for Code Blocks file contents list

Bus Reservation System_CodeBlock



School Fee Enquiry System_CodeBlock

School Management System_CodeBlock

Student Database System_CodeBlock




All codes comes with code documentation generated by doxygen tool. Source Codes are corrected N tested on Code::Blocks IDE [win7 os]. The Codes are for Code::Block IDE only.

Free eBook download link:


11 C++ Mini Projects for Turbo C IDE -Vol file contents list

Banking Transactions System

Canteen Management System 2

Casino Game System

Geographical Quiz Game System

Hospital Management System

Library Information System_FScr

LIC Management System

Payroll Management System 3

Snake N Ladder Game System

Telephone Bill Generator System

Tic Tac Toe Game System 2


All codes comes with code documentation generated

 by doxygen tool. Source Codes are corrected N tested

 on Turbo C IDE [winXP os]. The Codes are for Turbo C IDE only.

Free eBook download link:


11 C++ Mini Projects for Turbo C IDE -Vol file contents list

Book Library System

CD Cafe Management System

Cement Stock Management System

Diabetic Diagnosis System

Horoscope System

Library Management System 3

Payroll Management System 1

Resume In Html Generator System

Student Report Card System

Telephone Management System

Tic Tak Toe Game System


All codes comes with code documentation generated by doxygen tool. Source Codes are corrected N tested on Turbo C IDE [winXP os]. The Codes are for Turbo C IDE only.

Free eBook download link: file contents list

Banking Transactions System

Book Library System

Bus Reservation System_CodeBlock

Canteen Management System 2

Casino Game System

CD Cafe Management System

Cement Stock Management System

Diabetic Diagnosis System

Geographical Quiz Game System

Horoscope System

Hospital Management System

Library Information System_FScr

Library Management System 3

LIC Management System

Payroll Management System 1

Payroll Management System 3

Resume In Html Generator System

School Fee Enquiry System_CodeBlock

School Management System_CodeBlock

Snake N Ladder Game System

Student Database System_CodeBlock

Student Report Card System

Telephone Bill Generator System

Telephone Management System

Tic Tac Toe Game System 2

Tic Tak Toe Game System


All codes comes with code documentation generated by doxygen tool. C++ Source Codes are as-it-is from download collections. The Codes are for Code::Block IDE or Turbo C IDE.

Free eBook download link:



SQGD_in_ files contents list


Thirteen C++ code files and other question files.

C++ Source Codes are corrected N tested on Code::Blocks IDE  and Cygwin[win7 os]. The Codes are for Code::Block IDE & cygwin seperately only.

Free eBook download link:


SCGT file contents list

Package Details:


1> Graphics Library files - ZIP [for library installation read "WinBGIm-master readme.txt" file]

2> Graphics Library Manual - PDF [WINBGIM- MANUAL.pdf]

3> SCGT source codes - ZIP [Graphics]

4> SCGT eBook - PDF [Simple Computer Graphics Tutorial.pdf]

5> Exercises Source Codes - ZIP [Graphics]

6> Animation Program Collections - ZIP []

7> Introduction To Computer Graphics v1.2 -PDF

This is about eBook: Simple Computer Graphics Tutorial package details.


System Requirements:

Programmer needs Windows 7 operating system with Code::Blocks IDE 17.12 + Mingw setup [which is freely available].

Note: Start Code::Blocks IDE and open the project file from Graphics or Graphics folder.


Free eBook download link:


The YouTube video  link is as follows: file contents list

Bank Management System

Contacts Management

Department store system

Libray management

Medical Store Management System

Personal Dairy Management System

Quiz Game

Snake Game

Telecom Billing Management System

Tic-tac-toe game


A short code & code-documentation review of Ten C Mini-projects


Usually students in schools or colleges search for C projects in internet or books or sites for study purpose.

Reading other's code makes them more knowledgable and it teaches how language specific elements are used to write working system.


In this mentioned video session following ten projects are reviewed in-short with the help of executing code itself and browsing code-documentation. Note that only first system's code-documentation read is shown to maintain video length within limit. But all other codes are handled by reading respective code's code-documentation only.

The YouTube link is as follows:


The blog post link is as follows:


A short code & code-documentation review of Ten C Mini-projects


C++ Projects set file contents list






















All codes are tested on Code::Blocks IDE with conio.h setup & Dev-C++ IDE

For Cygwin/Turbo C slight code corections are necessary, which student can make himself after reading the code.

Remember codes are provided for code-study purpose, and make your own project.

Donot get panic if, conio.h is not found in your Code::Blocks IDE, search youtube for "how to install conio.h in Code::Blocks IDE".

Tip: Make copy of this zip file and use other copy for experiments.

-happy coding


C++ Projects set file contents list








morse code translate















All codes are tested on Code::Blocks IDE with conio.h setup & Dev-C++ IDE

For Cygwin/Turbo C slight code corections are necessary, which student can make himself after reading the code.

Remember codes are provided for code-study purpose, and make your own project.

Donot get panic if, conio.h is not found in your Code::Blocks IDE, search youtube for "how to install conio.h in Code::Blocks IDE".

Tip: Make copy of this zip file and use other copy for experiments.

-happy coding


…till next post, bye-bye and take care.