Friday, September 24, 2010

Welcome to Tutorial

Hello Readers:

I have started this blog to show you Embedded C programming for 8051 family microcontroller using KEIL compiler. The KISS philosophy is used to write this tutorial. What is KISS? Keep It Simple, Stupid!

The tutorial contents are as follows: 

Tutorial Contents:
1.    Introduction
1.1    Introduction to Numbers & Coding Systems
1.2    Introduction to Embedded Systems
1.3    About Microcontrollers & 8051 family
1.4    Flowcharts & Control Program Structures
1.5    About KEIL
1.6    Embedded C & program structure

2.    Manipulating Port Pins
2.1    Bytewise [all port pins-8bits]
2.1.1    Blinking LEDs sequentially
2.1.2    Blinking LEDs sequentially with rough delay [using If]
2.1.3    Blinking LEDs sequentially with rough delay [using Function]
2.1.4 Blinking LEDs sequentially with smooth delay [using Function]
2.1.5    Toggling Port Pins
2.1.6    Toggling Port Pins [code optimized]
2.1.7    Blinking LEDs sequentially on 2 Ports [using If,else]
2.1.8    Blinking LEDs sequentially on 2 Ports [code optimized]
2.1.9    Toggling All Port Pins
2.1.10    Toggling All Port Pins [code optimized]

2.2    Bitwise [single bit]
2.2.1    Single LED Blinking
2.2.2    Single LED Blinking [using define]
2.2.3    Single LED Blinking with a KEY press
2.2.4    Single LED Blinking with a KEY press [code optimized]
2.2.5    Buzzer ON on KEY press [continuous  buzzer ON]
2.2.6    Buzzer ON on KEY press [intermittent  buzzer ON]
2.2.7    Intruder Detector
2.2.8    Buzzer ON on KEY press [other approach]
2.2.9    Relay Controlled Device ON/OFF program [2-bit manipulation]

3.    LCD Interface
3.1    Sending Characters [1 line]
3.2    Sending Characters [2-line-using pointer]

4.    Key Pad Interface [4x4]
4.1    Interfacing 4x4 key pad

5.    Motor Interface
5.1    Stepper Motor
5.1.1    Rotating Stepper Motor [one direction]
5.1.2    Rotating Stepper Motor [two direction with LCD]
5.2     Dc Motor
5.2.1    Rotating Single DC Motor [50% duty cycle]
5.2.2    Rotating Single DC Motor [25% duty cycle]

6.    Counters
6.1    Counter 0 Mode 1 test
6.2    Counter 1 Mode 2 test

7.    Serial Port Interface
7.1 Sending Single Characters
7.2 Sending Three Characters
7.3 Receiving characters
7.4 Tx & Rx characters simultaneously
...till next post bye-bye & take care.