Friday, December 24, 2021

About Arduino starter kits?

By making Arduino an open-source platform, the Institute made the technology freely available to anyone, which led to a vast array of starter kits. Today, everyone from young children to seasoned professional techies use them to build everything from simple devices that turn on the lights to robots controlled remotely via WiFi. Arduino kits are great for teaching students about science, technology, engineering, and math.

Given their popularity, there are a lot of kits available. One can look at some of the best and break down what he/she’ll find and choose one suited to one’s project and learning goals.

Most Arduino packages do not include cables or components! If you’re not sure what to buy when getting started with Arduino, search out Google for “new Arduino Buyers guide”.

Advantage of Arduino Starter Kits:

Enhanced Learning

Since the kit hardware is simple to set up, and the software integration is seamless, you can now focus better on the actual learning area, understanding, and developing your code. It’s a big plus point because beginners often face hindrances caused by malfunctioning hardware and complicated setups.

In a nutshell, the starter kits ensure a focused learning environment where you can be at peace with the component connections.

Numerous Learning Resources

The Arduino IDE features hundreds of built-in examples. It’s a super starter kit where you have to run the code and see how it works. It’s the key to developing interest in beginners without asking them to write their code.

The official Arduino starter kit also features manuals and PDFs with numerous examples, so your kid/yourself only needs to type the code and watch the magic unfold.

Moreover, because Arduino is such a popular tool, learning resources are abundant online. Arduino has its official platforms where users discuss different problems and their solutions. Hence, it probably has the most prominent hub of resources to learn hardware programming.

Efficient Low-Cost Projects

An Arduino starter kit will not only help you learn to program, but you can also develop prototypes with the given components. Hence, it’s a great tool to create new ideas that can eventually take the form of a commercial product. It’s one of the reasons why we see so many Arduino based products these days.

The best Arduino starter kits come at a reasonably low price. Therefore, they have a competitive advantage over other development kits. It’s one of the main reasons why it’s the most preferred starter kit.

Perfect Tool for Program Demonstrations

Gone are the days when teachers used to fill blackboards with theoretical concepts, and kid/you had to memorize them. Modern educational methods include practical learning. So, science teachers looking to elaborate on scientific concepts can take a lot of help from this kit.

Moreover, you can create visual examples that help the students engage better in their studies, making their learning experience more effective. Hence, these kits are pretty useful for conducting beginner level robotics workshops to teach the basics of electronics and programming.

Good for Non-Engineers

These starter kits are the ideal tools for non-engineers to understand how hardware works. It enables them to interface micro-controllers with ease. Components like a stepper motor, remote control, and LEDs help non-engineers familiarize themselves with electronic parts without learning their theoretical aspects.

Nowadays, in the era of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, it allows computer scientists to develop and test algorithms using hardware. Hence, it’s the best tool to create AI-based robots.

What Can You Make with Arduino Starter Kit?

The best Arduino starter kit will give you endless options when it comes to designing any project. Therefore, it’s up to one’s imagination; creatively, one can think and develop any idea according to the given components. Here are 15 projects that one can try with standard starter kits:

•        LED Chaser requires LEDs, resistors, and the Arduino board to create a running LED chaser.

•        Calculator – Use a 4×4 Keypad and LCD module to design a basic calculator.

•        Voltmeter – One will need a couple of 7-segment displays, a potentiometer, and the Arduino board for this one.

•        Distance calculator – Use the ultrasonic sensor and one’s board to measure distance.

•        IR Obstacle Detector – With IR sensors and a buzzer, one can detect an obstacle in a given range.

•        LCD Voltmeter – Use the LCD module to display a voltage value graphically

•        Servo Motor Gates – Servo motors can work as gates that trigger signals from the Arduino board.

•        Joystick Snake Game – Create one’s very own snake game with the joystick module and LEDs

•        Button Controlled LEDs – A basic project to understand the working of buttons

•        Arduino Clock – Use the LCD module and built-in Arduino libraries to display time and date

•        Stepper Motor Control – Show the working of stepper motors and position control applications.

•        DC Motor Driving – Learn the use of motor drivers for speed and direction control.

•        Smart Bins – Use the ultrasonic sensor to design an intelligent dustbin that open and shuts automatically

•        Pick & Place Robot – Use components like servo motor and claw gripper to make a pick and place robot

•        Remote Control Application – One can automate any application, such as turning On/Off lights with a remote.

These 15 projects may be quite simple, but they will help Arduino Developer understand Arduino programming’s core elements. Hence, Arduino Developer can better grasp more advanced topics after completing these basic projects. Give them a try!

Moreover, every Arduino kit in this list is flexible enough to allow modifications in the pre-designed projects. So, Arduino Developer can play around with the kit components to experiment and come up with something new.

What you'll learn from Arduino Board

•        How to write code for the Arduino board

•        How to easily understand the Arduino language

•        All of the necessary concepts to code proficiently

•        How to use and write code to read data from sensors

•        Essential electronics concepts for hobbyists

•        How to build electronic circuits on a breadboard

•        How to bring one’s interactive creations to life

•        The necessary skills and knowledge to design and build one’s own Arduino projects from scratch

•        How to combine two Arduino sketches into one

For About Arduino Posts list: Index click it!

                                                                            …till next post, bye-bye and take care! 

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Create Your Own Electronics With Arduino – brief information

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on microcontroller used for electronic projects by millions all over the world. Without much knowledge of electronics, you can write a few simple lines of code and use Arduino in your projects.

Arduino is the best for beginners looking to get started with electronics for the first time. It features a combination of circuits, coding, DIY, problem-solving, and creativity, that marries together thinking across disciplines. Today, this post going to guide you step-by-step through getting your child/yourself started with Arduino prototype developer title.

About Arduino

As world has gone digitalized, devices are becoming smaller, feature rich and less power hungry. In world, per person five embedded devices are created. This is done by innumerable developers, professionals, hobbyists and students all over the world. Now teaching embedded technology is integral part of education curriculum. It is easy to use them, hack them and study them as they are available everywhere in reasonable price.

This post is one such effort. Arduino, a popular buzz word in embedded world for good reasons. This talks about single board controller or Arduino Uno board, why, where and how to get it is discussed in this post.

[Arduino board and its development environment IDE features and shows novice programmer how to hack the code is discussed in this eBook: Arduino: A Beginner's Guide 2nd edition ].

Embedded systems are found in a variety of common electronic devices, such as shown in above image.

One might say that nearly any device that runs on electricity either already has, or will soon have, a computing system embedded within it.

What is Arduino?                                            

Arduino was born to teach Interaction Design, a design discipline that puts prototyping at the centre of its methodology. With Arduino, a designer or artist can get to know the basics of electronics and sensors very quickly and can start building prototypes with very little investment. This eBook or post helps reader to know what is Arduino, how to get it and what can you do with it and how?[This eBook Arduino: A Beginner's Guide 2nd edition  helps reader to know about Arduino Uno board and its capabilities with the help of example codes and self-explaining circuits.]

Why Arduino is so popular?

Arduino is an embedded technology based design or prototype board for everyone. This means it contains some microcontroller chip as its main component in its board.

Now traditionally, microcontrollers are pretty complicated to use. The user manual for one is easily over 300 pages long, and it’s filled with tons of technical jargon.

What the creators of Arduino did was make using microcontrollers as easy as possible. So instead of just electrical engineers and computer scientists using microcontrollers, now pretty much anybody can get their hands dirty on them, and start building stuff.

Another reason Arduino is so popular is because there are many people using it which means there’s a lot of examples out there to work with.

Additionally, the Arduino board itself is open source hardware. That means while there is a company named Arduino that makes Arduino boards and supports the Arduino IDE, there are also lots of other companies that make Arduino compatible boards that can also be programmed in the Arduino IDE.

There’s a huge hardware and code ecosystem for you to work with.

Finally, Arduino hardware is generally pretty inexpensive, and that helps keep it popular as well.

Why to learn Arduino?

There are many prototype development boards used to learn coding and embedded technology, available in market, but they are not open source, usually.

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform so user can hack it as he desires without breaking any rules. It has user-friendly developing tools and supported by large number of third-party modules to enhance its features with minimal effort and in less time and money.

The philosophy of Arduino is to encourage students, creative minds, hobbyists and professionals alike to design embedded systems with less effort and time.

It is having its own genre product lines for all prototype needs, such as different types of boards are available [chip speed, memory size, output pins etc., are chosen as per user need], shields are provided for enhancing the features of board and interact with world in live [such as GSM, Ethernet etc.,] and accessories [such as TFT LCD screen, USB/Serial Light Adapter] are there to improve performance of prototype.

The Arduino board also supports other third-party components with proper interface protocol. So user can develop any concept to product/prototype using locally available components.

That does not mean Arduino technology is only for making prototype, it is used to manufacture product too under ―Arduino At Heart‖ tag line. For further details visit this link:

Who can become Arduino Developer?

•        Complete Beginners [hobbyists/kids/layman/engineer/students/anybody]

•        Beginners at coding

•        Beginners at electronics

•        People who want to build and program cool creations

•        People who have struggled with other prototype boards

•        Beginner Arduino developers

•        People that are looking for an adventure that is clear and concise and building own new electronics things for pleasure or as a product.

Arduino programming for kids/yourself is the perfect way to introduce children/yourself to a whole new world of electronics and technology. Familiarity with technology not only gives your kids the confidence to help them thrive, but also it gives them a way to stay a step ahead of others.

Today, we are surrounded by electronic gadgets such as smartphones, televisions, computers and more. As a result, you've probably considered ways to introduce your children/yourself to something they/you cannot just play with, but also learn something. Arduino boards/kits are the perfect solution! They are fun for anyone who's interested in playing with technology.

Try Arduino Circuit examples: Introduction to Arduino program to discover the fundamentals of circuits, use resistors, and get introduced to Ohm's law while building a series of cool projects and experiments. In this Arduino development journey, one also code Arduino to build smart devices that sense their environment and respond accordingly. But don't worry if you don’t have much money, you don't have to buy the physical board. One can use an Arduino-simulator (though the code will work on the physical device if you have one). You can even get started with economical Arduino Uno physical boards to be sure you like it!


What can you do with Arduino?

Any kind of automation/robot/control systems can be done with Arduino board. It needs sensors for getting data from environment and depend upon user algorithm actuates connected output devices/actuators automatically. The board supports almost all kind of latest interface techniques and sensor/actuators available in market.

Developers have used Arduino to create some amazing electronics projects.

• For more examples visit Arduino website, and other links such as

Arduino has huge flexibility with which you can make almost anything you imagine. It can be easily connected to a variety of modules like fire sensors, obstacle sensors, presence detectors, GPS modules, GSM Modules or anything with which you wish to give wings to your dream project.

From which board of Arduino should we start?

If you want to enter the world of Arduino for the first time, experts suggests Arduino UNO and NANO. Arduino UNO is the most popular and best-selling Arduino board. As mentioned, this board is equipped with an ATMEGA328 microcontroller. It has standard female pin headers with 2.54 mm spacing and is compatible with various shields. 14 input and output pins, 6 of which are capable of generating PWM signals, along with 6 analog input pins, make this the proper board for simple projects such as running LCDs, motors and more. This board has useful features to connect to sensors, for example, serial port (UART) shared with USB port, the capability of generating software serial, SPI, and I2C communication protocols.

What does mean by prototype and development kit?

Prototype means in electronics field, proof-of-concept [POC] for a new product idea and one’s first step is to choose a good development kit. A development kit will serve as the brains of your project and will communicate with all the interconnected electronic components.

Criteria to select proper Arduino Board?

When recommending an Arduino board for beginners, experts typically consider the following criteria:

•        How easy the board is to setup;

•        How easy the board is to learn;

•        Is the board available to buy from stores;

•        How compatible is the board with Arduino shields;

•        How much does it cost;

•        What are the options for starter kits;

•        Does the board have WiFi and Bluetooth;

•        How fast is the board;

•        How much memory does the board have?

Why to learn Arduino first and then Raspberry Pi later?

In basic terms, Arduino is designed for real-world building of models and prototypes, using simple coding for control. It teaches the interaction between software and hardware. A Raspberry Pi is a mini computer for learning programming and software development. It can be extended to activate hardware, but that’s not its primary purpose.

Note that Microcontroller is called system-on-chip, means a whole system can be built around single microcontroller chip. Whereas Raspberry Pi is called as Single Board Computer, which helps learn programming and software development!

An Arduino is a microcontroller motherboard. A microcontroller is a simple computer that can run one program at a time, over and over again. It is very easy to use.

A Raspberry Pi is a general-purpose computer [microprocessor], usually with a Linux operating system, and the ability to run multiple programs. It is more complicated to use than an Arduino.

An Arduino board is best used for simple repetitive tasks: opening and closing a garage door, reading the outside temperature and reporting it to Twitter, driving a simple robot.

Raspberry Pi is best used when you need a full-fledged computer: driving a more complicated robot, performing multiple tasks, doing intense calculations (as for Bitcoin or encryption)

Think of a microcontroller as the brains behind products such as wearable tech, remote controls, drones, or microwaves. A microprocessor, on the other hand, serves as the brains behind products like computers and smart phones.

How to learn Arduino?

To know this, how to learn Arduino? One must know what exactly Arduino at board level is and what all-features it offers to the developer.

An Arduino is tool for controlling electronics or in simple term an open source prototype design tool for everyone.

If you want a simple easy-to-use board to handle simple repetitive tasks like reading the weather, opening a door, driving a simple robot, turning on an LED, etc. an Arduino would be perfect.

So those are the three components that basically make up what’s ”Arduino is”, and roughly what it does.

How to setup Development Environment?

The first step to consider while setup Arduino development environment is Software section. Because one has to decide which platform he/she has to use for code development.

There are three ways: first way is using Computer as host to load code [one need AB cable for that]; second way is using mobile phone as host to load code [one need special mobile to Arduino board cable: ask for it to one’s electronics vendor]; and last way is using Arduino-simulator and learning the prototype board where you need only computer with internet connection as physical board is not needed.

The second step to consider while setup Arduino development environment is Code/Logic section. The developer has to decide what he/she wants to learn: any specific path he has to choose-any specific online YouTube/website tutorial or eBook contents or any Arduino developer course.  Ask the provider or take down the components requirement list or inventory and then decide the last section the Hardware section.

In the last section of Arduino development environment setup purchasing the components is required. The Arduino board and its peripherals are available both in local electronics shops and online shops like amazon, Arduino official website etc., for purchase.

Inventory for learning Arduino and becoming Arduino Developer

•        A laptop or PC or mobile

•        An Arduino Nano (or Uno if you prefer) plus charging/programming USB cable

•        A breadboard, jumper wires and basic electronic components such as buttons, LEDs, sensors and so on. E.g. an Arduino Starter Kit

•        A willingness to learn

•        A desire to become a proficient Arduino developer and maker        

Go easy on yourself: Step-by-step details to become Arduino Developer

Master individual techniques and concepts first.

  • Start with blinking an LED using the “Blink” example included in the Arduino IDE.
  • Then blink an LED that you wired up to an output.
  • Then, write a sketch to blink several LEDs at once.
  • Then make the LED blink when you push a button.
  • Then write a sketch that does an analog read from a potentiometer to control the LED blink speed.

Any project you ultimately want to accomplish is reducible to smaller tasks. For example, by putting little jobs such as de-bouncing a button press, outputting to an LCD, reading a temperature sensor, and blinking an LED together, you can make a temperature-controlled switch.

Each concept you learn is a like a brick, and your project is a wall made of those bricks.

As a final note, never under estimate at the lowly blinking LED steps. No matter what prototype board or microcontroller thrown at one, the first thing usually do is blink a couple of LEDs. Those flickering lights let know that he/she has initialized the chip at least partially correct, and that he/she can begin to exert a measure of control over the hardware.

Learn how to use Arduino Libraries

What if large chunks of the code one need was already written and available? Wouldn’t that really speed up ones time to project completion? Well, that code is out there and it is just waiting for one to grab and load into his/her sketches. These collections of code are called libraries.

A library is like a box of tools for a related set of tasks. You just have to include the toolboxes that contain the tools you need in your project.

For About Arduino Posts list: Index click it!

…till next post, bye-bye and take care!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Arduino & Coding: The Beginners Guide for Everyone

Arduino and coding are tangled, and are an enthralling field of Electronics engineering. Arduino is a great way to introduce your child to STEM-based learning at an early age. Before getting into Arduino and coding, it's important to know about automation/control systems/robots etc.

An Arduino is an autonomous prototype board that is able to perform certain tasks based on the inputs taken by sensors. Also, an Arduino is merely a physical piece, until it's programmed.

We live in an era where many human tasks are now automated/controlled as a result of robotics and embedded systems. Because artificial intelligence and machine learning are key aspects of the trend, intelligent robots and embedded systems are more accurate and precise than humans.

If you are a parent/hobbyist/engineer/job seeker/student/layman or anyone looking for engaging robotics/automation/control system design and coding procedure for your child/career/experience-list you've come to the right place. One can explore my eBook Arduino: A Beginner's Guide 2nd edition for beginner’s guidelines, but first, discover more about embedded systems, Arduino in general and coding.

Explore Arduino and coding

Find out why coding is critical when it comes to embedded systems, and which coding language to select for this domain. And discover the best tools and programs for your child/yourself to start learning Arduino.

Why is coding important?

Coding is important because we live in an increasingly digital world. Education is not about remembering the facts. With information readily available at our fingertips, we need to teach our kids & ourselves how to think rather than what to think. One of the best ways to do that is to give kids & ourselves tools through which they/one can figure out the best possible solutions, and coding is one of those tools.


What is a good age to start coding?

A good age to start coding is while a child is still young - often in elementary school. Coding is essential now more than ever to prepare students for the future. When students learn the basics of coding, it opens up a whole new world full of exciting opportunities for them. Learning has no age bar, but we believe young minds are more active and can learn new things easily. Around the time that children start learning to read and write is a great age to start coding. If kids can do it, you can also!

Does embedded systems or Arduino needs coding?

Yes, Arduino definitely needs coding. Coding is an essential set of instructions that an Arduino can read and execute. Arduino combines the use of electronics, electro-mechanical, and coding software to program embedded systems to do particular jobs. Embedded systems can easily perform those tasks that humans are not able to perform.

What coding is used for Arduino?

Both block-based coding and text-based coding are used for Arduino [as per Arduino-simulator is concerned]. Especially coding is the way to communicate with Arduino and computers or any external communication media. In other words, coding is a set of instructions with certain rules. There are numerous programming languages available: C/C++, Python, Java, FORTRAN, etc. C/C++ is a popular language for embedded systems due to its use is very natural and simple.

  1. Block-based coding: Block-based coding is an excellent approach to kick-start learners' interest in coding. Block-based coding uses a stack of different functions of blocks which can be easily connected to each other. Debugging errors is much easier in block-based coding. In Arduino-simulator this is provided to developer for coding purpose.
  2. Text-based coding: Text-based coding is based on predefined syntax: a list of codes readable by a particular language. Chances of error is higher as you have to type each and every line of code. Which also means it takes much more time than block-based coding. C/C++, Python, Java are a few examples.

What skills do Arduino and coding teach students/Arduino developer?

Anyone who learn Arduino and coding will pick up many skills including strong critical thinking skills. There are different ways to solve problems, and those who learn embedded systems learn how to choose the optimal solution for the problem. Also, hands-on learning activities increase students' concentration and attention levels. Other skills include:

  • Preparedness: Technology is changing every day, and students /you need to be more prepared for technological changes.
  • Teamwork: Kids/you work in teams to adapt their Arduino to compete in different dynamic challenges [if it’s an academic project].
  • Programming skills: Beyond learning to program lines of code, one will discover new ways to solve problems.
  • Analytical thinking: For huge Arduino problems, students have to breakdown the problem into segments, and then find the solution.
  • Improve the written and verbal communication skills: Communication is an absolutely essential skill throughout life.

Arduino programming for beginners:

Arduino-Simulator has a block-based interface [also has text based interface], which allows those who are new to Arduino to more easily get their system up and moving. It has different blocks in terms of task and function, which makes it more understandable. And the function of each block has a specific meaning. User can have a try together in a few simple steps! It’s that easy.


For About Arduino Posts list: Index click it!

…till next post, bye-bye and take care!


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

About Arduino Posts list: Index

Following are the list of posts published till now on this blog about Arduino and its related articles.

The images are from: own creation/Google search/respective web sites. 


Why this Arduino Beginners Guide: 2nd edition post


Arduino Uno and 3D Design Tool: TinkerCAD


Arduino & Coding: The Beginners Guide for Everyone


Create Your Own Electronics With Arduino – brief information


About Arduino starter kits?


 Why To Become an Arduino Developer 


 Understanding Breadboards: A Beginner's Guide


 Step-by-Step Guide: Building Your First Circuit on a Breadboard 

 Design and Prototype Electronic Applications with Tinkercad PCB







Thursday, December 2, 2021

Computer basics: other factors - 2

 Uses of Computers

During the last five decades, computers have revolutionized almost all disciplines of our life. Computers have made possible many scientific, industrial and commercial advances that would have been impossible otherwise. Computers are being used in many areas of application viz. business, industry, scientific research, defence, space, communications, medicine, education and so on. The utilisation of computers in different fields is summarised in below.

Application Area

Scientific Research Used to resolve complex scientific problems accurately in a short time

Business Used in banks, airports, share markets, hotels, export houses, Government offices and others for rising business applications like MIS, Payroll, Inventory, Financial Accounting etc.

Defense Used to computerize warplanes, ships, radars and many advanced weapons

Space Used to design computerized space satellites, rockets and related technology

Data Communication Used to computerize geo-graphically separated offices through networking

Telecommunication Used in ISDN, E-mail, Internet, Intranet, VSAT, Videoconferencing, Paging, Cellular phones etc.

Medicine Used in hospitals and nursing homes/clinics for maintaining medical records, prescription writing, diagnostic applications and computerized scanning(CAT Scanning)

Education Used in development of CBT (Computer Based Teaching)/CAT (Computer Aided Teaching) programs for education

Law & Order Used to records data of vehicles

Libraries Used to develop Library Management Systems

Publishers Used for Desk Top Publishing (DTP) for designing & printing of books

Engineering Used CAD (Computer Aided Designing)/CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) by engineering companies

Emerging Technologies Used in Artificial Intelligence (Expert Systems, Robotics etc.) and Virtual Reality


Case Study: Computers in Business

Computers have completely altered the structure of business. They are reshaping the basics of business. Customer service, operations, product and marketing strategies, and distribution are heavily, or sometimes even entirely, dependent on computer-enabled applications. The computers that support these functions can be found on the desk, on the shop floor, in the store, even in briefcases. Computers have become an everyday part of business life.

Figure 1-2 illustrates the fundamental roles of computers in business.

Computer systems perform three vital roles in any type of organization:

􀂾 Support of Business Operations

􀂾 Support of Managerial Decision-Making

􀂾 Support of Strategic Competitive Advantage

Figure 1-2 Three Major Roles of Computer-based Information Systems

Let's take a retail store as an example to illustrate these important roles. As a consumer, we have to deal regularly with the computer-based information systems that support business operations at many retail stores where we shop. For example, most retail stores now use computer-based information systems to help them record customer purchases, keep track of inventory, pay employees, buy new merchandise, and evaluate sales trends.

Store operations would grind to a halt without the support of such information systems.

See Figure 1-3.

Computer-based information systems also help store managers make better decisions and attempt to gain a strategic competitive advantage. For example, decisions on what lines of merchandise need to be added or discontinued, or on what kind of investment they require, are typically made after an analysis provided by computer-based information systems. This not only supports the decision making of store managers but also helps them look for ways to gain an advantage over other retailers in the competition for customers.

Figure 1-3 A Computer-based Sales Processing System that supports Sales Transaction Processing, Employee Inquiries and Responses, and the Access and Updating of Business Databases Gaining a strategic advantage over competitors requires innovative use of computers and information technology. For example, store managers might make a decision to install computerized touch-screen catalog ordering systems in all of their stores, tied in with computer-based telephone ordering systems and an Internet-based computer shopping network. This might attract new customers and lure customers away from competing stores because of the ease of ordering provided by such innovative information systems.

Thus, computer-based strategic information systems can help provide strategic products and services that give a business organization competitive advantage over its competitors.

Limitations of computers

There is no doubt that computers surpasses human being in many aspects and can perform certain tasks better, faster and cheaper. But it cannot substitute man. The words of John F Kennedy are also 100% true "Man is still the most extraordinary Computers of all". The Computer, being an electronic device, has certain limitations, which can be summarized as follow:

1. No IQ: A computer is not a magical device. It can only perform tasks that a human being can. The difference is that it performs these tasks with unthinkable speed and accuracy. It possesses no intelligence of its own. Its IQ is zero, at least till today. Hence, only the user can determine what tasks a computer will perform.

A computer cannot take its own decision in this regard. Unlike the human brain, a computer cannot think on its own, but has to be given very explicit, step-by-step instructions to make it perform a task.

2. No Feelings: Computers are devoid of emotions. They have no feelings and no instincts because they are machine. Although men have succeeded in building a memory for the computer, but no computer possesses the equivalent of human heart and soul. Based on our feelings, taste, knowledge, and experience, we often make certain judgments in our day-to-day life. But computers cannot make such judgments on their own. Their judgments are based on the instructions given to them in the form of programs that are written by us. They are only as good as man makes and uses them. They do not learn from experiences.

It is said for computers, "Garbage-In, Garbage-Out (GIGO)". Many of the problems with computers occur because the computer can't tell the difference between doing something sensible versus something ridiculous. Erasing all its stored data is no different to a computer from adding two numbers. Computers operate logically, but they are incapable of acting prudently and rationally.

Thus a computer is not intelligent: it is a fast, rule-following idiot. Fast because it works at electronic speeds; rule-following because it needs to be given very detailed and complete instructions before it can do even the simplest task; and an idiot because it will unhesitatingly follow instructions even when to us it would be obvious that they were nonsense.


Post activity:

In this post we covered uses with application area, case study and limitations of computer in detail. If more detailed information is needed please browse or search the internet for above terms.

Keywords: Computer, uses with application area, case study and limitations of computer.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care.

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