Wednesday, November 21, 2018

C code review: calculates perimeter, area & volume of rectangle

This C code shows how to calculates perimeter, area & volume of rectangle, using language supplied operators. And uses if else constructors to prepare menu.


//Tested OK on Code::Blocks IDE 17.12 & Cygwin + GCC tools.
//Calculates Perimeter, Area & Volume of Rectangle.

#include <stdio.h>

void inputoutput ()
    int comp,ans;
//   clrscr ();
    printf ("\nchoose please: 1=perimeter,2=area,3=volume] ?: ");
    scanf ("%d",&comp);
    if (comp==1)
        int le, wi;
        printf ("Enter the length: ");
        scanf ("%d",&le);
        printf ("Enter the width: ");
        scanf ("%d",&wi);
        printf ("P=%d",perimeter(le,wi));
    else if (comp==2)
        int le, wi;
        printf ("Enter the length: ");
        scanf ("%d",&le);
        printf ("Enter the width: ");
        scanf ("%d",&wi);
        printf ("A=%d", area(le,wi));
    else if (comp==3)
        int length,width,height;
        printf ("Enter length: ");
        scanf ("%d",&length);
        printf ("Enter width: ");
        scanf ("%d",&width);
        printf ("Enter height: ");
        scanf ("%d",&height);
        printf ("V=%d",volume (length,width,height));

        inputoutput ();
    printf ("\nDo you want to continue? [Yes=1/No=0]: ");
    scanf ("%d",&ans);
    if (ans==1)
        inputoutput ();
        printf ("GOOD BYE");
int perimeter (int l, int w)
    int per;
    return (per);

int area (int le, int wi)
    int are;
    return (are);
int volume (int length, int width, int height)
    int vol;

    return (vol);

main ()
//    clrscr ();
    inputoutput ();
    getchar ();

//end of program

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...till next post, bye-bye and take care.

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