Tuesday, June 1, 2021

C for Everyone: Introduction

21st century is ruled by digital devices or computers of many sizes. In an average, for each person there are five digital devices working around him. So it is mandatory to learn computer programming fundamentals as basic skill.

Why learn any programming language?

The digital devices needs code or program to work, and such standard code lines are written by skilled programmers.

Since this is digital age and digital devices are observed everywhere, it is mandatory to learn any one programming language to survive.

Why to learn C?

Because it is simple, easy to learn, old language and found everywhere from embedded to robotics, desktop to main frame computers. It is base of many languages! So it teaches or helps to understand any/all programing languages basic in one effort.

Who this C programming topic is for:

-Those who want to start a career in Computer Programming or study Computer Science stream.

-Those who want to know how a computer performs a task in a simple and easy way.

-Teachers, Parents, Students, Educators, Anyone Interested in Real Coding [not just block coding].


-Reader understands important concepts of C programming and its fundamentals in simple terms.

-Learning C, the most popular and used programming language with any means [mobile app, online C IDE or Computer IDE].


Computer or Android mobile device

Internet connection

Motivation to see reader fall in love with coding


If you are new to programming domain, ask help of any college going Student, or Computer Lab instructor or Internet cafe people [for search and install proper C tool in your device, and its operation] environment setup. Or search You tube for “how to learn C” tutorial videos.

All the discusses c codes are tested on Code::Blocks 20.03 IDE, DevC++ 6.3, Cygwin gcc 10.02, mobile GCC Editor Cxxdroid App and any online IDE. You can try any one tool of them for practice.

This post series has following contents and read them in any order:

Think like a programmer

Getting started with C

Storage & Variables

Repeating Things

Making Decisions

Creating Lists

Grouping Instructions

Avoiding Mistakes


PS: I have composed this post-series based on my pdf eBook on playstore:

Basics of Computer, Programming and C

The series is posted continuously one each next day, and reader can found any post by referring blogs’ time line tab.

--till next post, bye-bye and take care.


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