is a Character based User Interface or CUI based simple computerized solution
to manage the system activities. This prototype code saves time and energy of
its user by automating certain tasks. This system is either file handling type
or ROM type, and stores activities in a coder-defined file or on ROM memory
is a typed language, so no need of code explanation as everything will be
cleared by itself by reading the code. If you know C++, you know this code.
It’s that simple!
to students, draw a class diagram and flow chart of system by reading the code
itself. The Code::Blocks IDE 20.03+MinGW and Cygwin tool are used to test the
that some systems are very simple and need enhancement but they are complete on
their own in other terms.
CollegeRegistrationManagementSystem.cpp |
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstring> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; char stdsRec[] = "stdtRecord.txt"; char modulesRecord[] =
"modRecord.txt"; char tempFile[] =
"tempFile.txt"; class Std { public: //add one std's record to
DB int addStdRecord(char *stdsRec) { int StdNo; char name[50]; ofstream out(stdsRec, ios_base::app); cout<<"\nEnter Std No :
"; cin>>StdNo;
out<<endl<<StdNo<<" | "; cout<<"\nEnter Name (50
char):"; cin>>name; out<<name<<" |
"; int flag=-1; cout<<"\n0 - Under Grad.,1
- PostGrad"; cout<<"\nEnter :"; cin>>flag; int moduleCount =-1; if(flag==0) moduleCount = 6; else if(flag ==1) moduleCount = 4; else { cout<<"\nErr: Pl.
enter either 0or1 "; return -1; } for(int i=0; i<moduleCount; i++) { int module; cout<<"\nEnter
Module No"<<i<<"
: "; cin>>module; out<<module<<" |
"; } char choice; cout<<"\nadd Marks against
each module? y/n :"; cin>>choice; //separator to find start
of marks out<<" = "; if(choice=='y') { for(int i=0; i<moduleCount;
i++) { double marks; cout<<"\nEnter
Marks of Module
No"<<i<<" : "; cin>>marks;
out<<marks<<" | "; } } out.close(); } //update any std's recrod
to DB int updateStdRecord() { int StdNo; cout<<"\nEnter Std Number
:"; cin>>StdNo; //modify if it exist e } //display record of any
Std by his Stdno int displayStdRecord() { int StdNo; //display if Std record
exist cout<<"\n# Find Any Module
Details #\n"; cout<<"\nEnter Std No to
be searched: "; cin>>StdNo; int flag = -1; ifstream file(stdsRec); string str; while (getline(file, str)) { if(str.length()>0) { char temp[1000];
memset(temp,1000,sizeof(temp)); strcpy(temp, str.c_str()); char * ptr; ptr =
strtok(temp,"|"); int tempno = atoi(ptr); if(StdNo == tempno ) {
cout<<"\n"<<str; flag = 1; break; } } } if(flag==-1) cout<<"\nNo Std found
with No :"<<StdNo; file.close(); getchar(); getchar(); } //display record of all
Stds int displayAllStdRecord() { ifstream file(stdsRec); string str; cout<<"\n# List of All Std
#"; if(!file) { cout<<"\nNo Record
found !!"; return -1; } while (getline(file, str)) { if(str.length()>0)
cout<<"\n\t"<<str; } file.close(); getchar(); getchar(); } int findStdMarks() { cout<<"\n# Find Marks of
any Std #\n"; int StdNo; cout<<"\nEnter Std No :
"; cin>>StdNo; int flag = -1; ifstream file(stdsRec); string str; while (getline(file, str)) { if(str.length()>0) { char temp[1000]; memset(temp,1000,
sizeof(temp)); strcpy(temp, str.c_str()); char * ptr; ptr = strtok(temp,"|"); int tempno = atoi(ptr); if(StdNo == tempno ) {
memset(temp,1000,sizeof(temp)); strcpy(temp,
str.c_str()); char *ptr1 = strtok(temp,
"="); ptr1 =
strtok(NULL,"="); //cout<<"\n====>
"<<ptr1; ptr1 = strtok(ptr1,
"|"); double sum = atof(ptr1); double minNo = sum; //cout<<"\nMin
no is : "<< minNo; int countSub = 0; while(ptr1 =
strtok(NULL,"|")) { //cout<<"->
if(atof(ptr1)<minNo) minNo =
atof(ptr1); sum += atof(ptr1); countSub++; } //cout<<"\nsum
is : "<<sum; //cout<<"\ncount
sub : "<<countSub; //cout<<"\nMIn
no is : "<<minNo; if(countSub == 6) { sum -= minNo;
cout<<"\nsum is : "<<sum; sum = sum / 5;
cout<<"\nAvg Sum is top 5 sub: "<<sum; if(sum>70)
cout<<"\nGrade : A"; else if(sum>=60
&& sum<=69)
cout<<"\nGrade is : B+"; else if(sum >=50
&& sum<=59)
cout<<"\nGrade is : B"; else if(sum>=41
&& sum<=49)
cout<<"\nGrade is : C"; else if(sum>=40)
cout<<"\nGrade is : D"; else if(sum<40)
cout<<"\nGrade is: F"; } else { sum = sum / 4;
cout<<"\nAvg Sum of 4 sub : "<< sum; if(sum>= 76)
cout<<"\nDistinction"; else if(sum>=61
&& sum<=75 )
cout<<"\nMerit"; else if(sum>=50
&& sum<=60)
cout<<"\nPass"; else if(sum<50)
cout<<"\nFail "; } flag = 1; break; } } } if(flag==-1) cout<<"\nNo Std found
with No : "<<StdNo; file.close(); getchar(); getchar(); } int updateStd() { cout<<"\n# Update Std
Record #\n"; int StdNo; cout<<"\nEnter Std No :
"; cin>>StdNo; int flag = -1; ifstream file(stdsRec); string str; int StdFound = 0; while (getline(file, str)) { if(str.length()>0) { char temp[1000];
memset(temp,1000,sizeof(temp)); strcpy(temp, str.c_str()); char * ptr; ptr =
strtok(temp,"|"); int tempno = atoi(ptr); if(StdNo == tempno ) { addStdRecord(tempFile); StdFound = 1; } else { ofstream file(tempFile,
file<<endl<<str; file.close(); } } } file.close(); if(StdFound) { remove(stdsRec); rename(tempFile, stdsRec); } } }; class Module { public: int displayAnyModuleInfo() { int moduleNo; cout<<"\n# Find Module
Details #\n"; cout<<"\nEnter Module No
:"; cin>>moduleNo; int flag = -1; ifstream file(modulesRecord); string str; while (getline(file, str)) { if(str.length()>0) { char temp[1000];
memset(temp,1000,sizeof(temp)); strcpy(temp, str.c_str()); char * ptr; ptr =
strtok(temp,"|"); int tempno = atoi(ptr); cout<<"\nModule no
is : "<<temp; if(moduleNo == tempno ) { cout<<"\n"<<str; flag = 1; break; } } } if(!flag) cout<<"\nNo Module
found : "<<moduleNo; file.close(); getchar(); getchar(); } int displayAllModulesInfo() { cout<<"\n# List of All
Modules #\n"; //read all modules from
record ifstream file(modulesRecord); string str; cout<<"\nModule No | Title
| Level"; while (getline(file, str)) { if(str.length()>0)
cout<<"\n"<<str; } file.close(); getchar(); getchar(); } int updateModulesInfo() { cout<<"\n# Update Module
Info #"; int moduleNo; cout<<"\nEnter Module No to
be modified:"; cin>>moduleNo; } //add new module to DB int addModule(char *modulerecord) { int moduleNo; char title[50]; char level[50]; ofstream out(modulerecord, ios_base::app); cout<<"\n# Add New Module
#"; cout<<"\nEnter Module No :
"; cin>>moduleNo;
out<<endl<<moduleNo<<" | "; cout<<"\nEnter Title of
Module (50 char) :"; cin>>title; out<<title<<" |
cout<<"\nEnter Level UnderGrad/Grad.:"; cin>>level; out<<level<<" |
"; cout<<"\nModule Added
!!"; getchar(); out.close(); } int updateModule() { cout<<"\n# Update Module
Record #\n"; int moduleNo; cout<<"\nEnter Module No :
"; cin>>moduleNo; int flag = -1; ifstream file(modulesRecord); string str; int moduleFound = 0; while (getline(file, str)) { if(str.length()>0) { char temp[1000];
memset(temp,1000,sizeof(temp)); strcpy(temp, str.c_str()); char * ptr; ptr =
strtok(temp,"|"); int tempno = atoi(ptr); if(moduleNo == tempno ) { addModule(tempFile); moduleFound = 1; } else { ofstream file(tempFile,
file<<endl<<str; file.close(); } } } file.close(); if(moduleFound) { remove(modulesRecord); rename(tempFile, modulesRecord); } } }; int main(int argc, char**
argv) { Std stdObj; Module modObject; int choice = -1; while(choice !=0) { system("cls"); cout<<"\n# College
Registration System #"; cout<<"\n 1> Add
Record"; cout<<"\n2> Update
Record"; cout<<"\n3> Get any
record"; cout<<"\n4> Get all
record"; cout<<"\n5> Add
Module"; cout<<"\n6> Get Any
Module details"; cout<<"\n7> Get All
Modules details"; cout<<"\n8> Update
Module"; cout<<"\n9> Find Std
Marks"; cout<<"\n0>
Exit.."; cout<<"\n Enter your
choice : "; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: stdObj.addStdRecord(stdsRec); break; case 2: stdObj.updateStd(); break; case 3: stdObj.displayStdRecord(); break; case 4: stdObj.displayAllStdRecord(); break; case 5: modObject.addModule(modulesRecord); break; case 6: modObject.displayAnyModuleInfo(); break; case 7:
modObject.displayAllModulesInfo(); break; case 8: modObject.updateModule(); break; case 9: stdObj.findStdMarks(); break; case 0: cout<<"\nThankyou !!
Good Bye\n "; break; default: cout<<"\nInvalid
choice.."; getchar(); } } return 0; } |
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information click here. …till next post, bye-bye and take care. |
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