Saturday, May 7, 2022

Simple Write a program assignment in C language-03

Learning C programming language is mandatory for today’s students [as one programming language], during their academic career. The C language has many mechanisms to deal with decision making, repetitive tasks, such as if, if…else, for, while etc. Here are some of such C codes which may asked in theory/practical exams.

C is a typed language, so no need of code explanation as everything will be cleared by itself by reading the code. If you know C, you know this code. It’s that simple!

The Code::Blocks IDE 20.03+MinGW and Cygwin tool are used to test the code.


Write A Program to ask user for base value and then display a factorial number using while loop




//WAP#4a:WAP to ask user for base value &

// then display a factorial number using

// while loop


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


int main()


    int num,counter, fact;//declare variables

    counter = 1;

    fact = 1;


    printf("Enter base value [integer]: ");

    scanf("%d",&num); //get base value


    while (counter <= num)


        fact = fact * counter;

        counter = counter + 1;



    printf("\n Factorial of %d is = %d\n",num,fact);

    return 0;


//end of program



//output WAP#4a:



Enter base value [integer]: 6

1       2       6       24      120     720

 Factorial of 6 is = 720








Write A Program to ask user for base value and then display a factorial number using do…while loop




//WAP#4b:WAP to ask user for base value &

// then display a factorial number using

// do...while loop


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


int main()


    int num,counter, fact;//declare variables

    counter = 1;

    fact = 1;


    printf("Enter base value [integer]: ");

    scanf("%d",&num); //get base value




        fact = fact * counter;

        counter = counter + 1;


    } while (counter <= num);

    printf("\n Factorial of %d is = %d\n",num,fact);

    return 0;


//end of program


//output WAP#4b:



Enter base value [integer]: 6

1       2       6       24      120     720

 Factorial of 6 is = 720








Write A Program to ask user for base value and then display a factorial number using for loop





//WAP#4c:WAP to ask user for base value &

// then display a factorial number using

// for loop


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


int main()


    int num, fact;//declare variables

    fact = 1;


    printf("Enter base value [integer]: ");

    scanf("%d",&num); //get base value


    for(int i=1; i<=num; i++)


        fact = fact * i;



    printf("\n Factorial of %d is = %d\n",num,fact);

    return 0;


//end of program



//output WAP#4c:



Enter base value [integer]: 6

1       2       6       24      120     720

 Factorial of 6 is = 720








Write A Program to display first five numbers with their cubes using do…while loop




//WAP#5:WAP to display first 5 numbers

//with their cubes using do...while loop


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


int main()


    int i;//declare index

    i = 1;




        printf("%d\t %d \n",i, i*i*i);

        i = i + 1;

    }while (i <= 5);


    return 0;


//end of program



//output WAP#5:



1        1

2        8

3        27

4        64

5        125








Write A Program to display first 10 odd numbers using do…while loop




//WAP#6:WAP to display first 10 odd numbers

//using do...while loop


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


int main()


    int i;//declare index

    i = 1;




        if((i%2) != 0)


        i = i + 1;


    while (i <= 20);


    return 0;


//end of program


//output WAP#6:



















For such codes click CCode label or check next day post on right-side post history bar.

---till next post, take care and bye-bye. 

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