Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Code Review: Bus Reservation System

Complier or Tool: Code::Block

Programming Language: C++

User Interface Type: CUI [Character User Interface]


This Bus Reservation System is nothing but automating reservation process of bus. Even though the system is very small it teaches how to code simple system of RAM type [i.e., not file handling support system] in C++ language.

The System contains one class with following properties and methods:


The main() function presents main menu and becomes single point entry and exit code. The main() function call graph is as follows:


The menu presented by this main() function is as follows:

Bus Reservation System

1. Install Bus

2. Enter Reservation

3. Show Bus Status

4. Available Buses List

5. Exit

Enter your choice:_


The system designing includes creating bus seat layout, their status whether empty or occupied, if occupied passenger's name, bus schedule and details, all available buses list etc.

Total code lines for this system are 226 lines [approximately]. It is a most suitably called as mini project in C++ language.

Note: For source code and other details send request e-mail specifying project name: BusReservationSys_07082017 to mailforprojects@rediffmail.com. Add your comments in below available comment box.

Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: C++MiniProject


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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