Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Code Review: Hang Man Game System

Complier or Tool: Code::Block

Programming Language: C++

User Interface Type: CUI [Character User Interface]



This Hang Man Game System teaches how to code strings and manipulate them wisely. Even though the system is very small it teaches how to code simple system of RAM type i.e., Not file handling support system in C++ language.

The System contains only two public functions: main() and type_of_word(). The include files called or included in this system are as follows:


The main() function presents main menu and becomes single point entry and exit code. The system manipulates words and strings hence “cstring.h” file is included. For better performance system() function is also used.

The menu presented by this main() function is as follows:


<E> Enter a Word

<C> Computer chooses word

<A> Add new word to list

<Q> Quit

Enter your choice < E – C – Q>:_


The system reads hangword.txt file for beforehand stored names from categories Animal-Movie-Sports-Song. The string comparing, identifying and taking proper actions for selected words etc. are the job of source code.  

Total code lines for this system are 124 lines [approximately]. It is a most suitably called as mini project in C++ language.

Note: For source code and other details send request e-mail specifying project name: HangManGameSys_07082017 to Add your comments in below available comment box.

Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: C++MiniProject


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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