Friday, September 15, 2017

C/C++ Projects List [30o]


Actually they are concepts or ideas to be implemented and are listed below. Select the title, search internet for more information and design the system by identifying proper objects-N-variables. All are stand-alone project concepts and C or C++ language is best suited for such projects. Refer already coded projects, documentations for how-to-code any concept and is called code-reviewing. You can use such already coded project as reference and modify it according to your need.

Old age Home Management System

Online Exam Interface System

Online Shop Management System

Park Maintenance System

Parking Lot Management System

Passport Management System [Govt. Dept]

Pay Roll Management System

Payroll Management System

PDF Batch File Search System [utility]

Periodic Table Display System

Personal Dairy Management System

Petrol Bunk Management System

Phone Book System

Phone Service in Hotel Management System

Pizza Shop Management System

Plane Maintenance Management System

Police Station Management System [Govt. Dept]

Pregnancy Time Daily Care Management System

Public Transport Management System [Govt. Dept]

Railway Reservation System

Railway Schedule Management System

Railway Seat Reservation System

Ration Card Management System [Govt. Dept]

Real Estate Management System

Regional Transport Office Management System [Govt. Dept]

Removing Duplicates from Given Data File

Resort Management System

Restaurant Management System

Resume In Html Generator System

Retrieving Database System of Railway


See also: C++ Mini Projects List for code review

How to Design System from Idea


Note: For source code and other details send request e-mail specifying project name: to Add your comments in below available comment box.

Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: C++MiniProject


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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