Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Preface: Tutorial On C

C language has become available on a very wide range of platforms, from embedded microcontrollers to supercomputers. The C language has formed the basis for many languages including C++, C--, C#, Objective-C, BitC, C-shell, csh, D, Java, JavaScript, Go, Rust, Julia, Limbo, LPC, PHP, Python, Perl, Verilog, Rust, Seed7, Vala, Verilog and many other languages are there. So learning such language is not an unwise action.
This tutorial explains about only theory part of C language. The respective web book is organized in two parts: Theory and Program. The Theory part explains why and how. The Program Part shows how to code any concept. Learning C language means reading theory and trying example programs.
Try Program Part codes as they are executable programs. They are tested with Code::Blocks IDE+minGW setup and Cygwin, which are freely available for Windows 7 operating system.
Intended Audience of tutorial are anyone who wants to learn C programming language. He needs computer loaded with Windows or Linux operating system and proper IDE or gcc compiler.
The layout & some contents are taken from the eBook: Notes on C Language: 1st Edition.
Preface: Tutorial On C
Ch02_Understanding C Program
Ch03_Getting Started With C
Ch04_Components of C
Ch05_Basic Input Output
Ch06_Data Types N Identifiers
Ch07_Operators N Expressions
Ch08_Decision N Control Structures
Ch09_Arrays Sort N Search Algo
Ch10_Functions N Preprocessors
Ch12_User Defined Data Types
Ch13_Managing Data Through Files

Note that full Tutorial On C blog posts along with example c programs is available as Tutorial On C.pdf format from google books freely for download.
The tutorial is posted one-day after the other day continuously, so refer Side bar Blog Archive list for all blog posts.

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