Monday, December 3, 2018

C code review shows how to find denominations of the entered amount

This C code shows how to find denominations of the entered amount. And code is helpful while user is in between any currency manipulation task.


//Tested OK on Code::Blocks IDE 17.12 & Cygwin+GCC tools.
/* Program to find the number of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 -
RUPEES in entered amount.
# include <stdio.h>
//# include <conio.h>

void main()
    int rs, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h ;
//    clrscr() ;
    printf("\nEnter the amount in Rupees : ") ;
    scanf("%d", &rs) ;
    while(rs >= 500)
        a = rs / 500 ;
        printf("\nThe no. of five hundreds are : %d", a) ;
        break ;
    while(rs >= 100)
        b = rs / 100 ;
        printf("\nThe no. of hundreds are      : %d", b) ;
        break ;
    while(rs >= 50)
        c = rs / 50 ;
        printf("\nThe no. of fifties are       : %d", c) ;
        break ;
    while(rs >= 20)
        d = rs / 20 ;
        printf("\nThe no. of twenties are      : %d", d) ;
        break ;
    while(rs >= 10)
        e = rs / 10 ;
        printf("\nThe no. of tens are          : %d", e) ;
        break ;
    while(rs >= 5)
        f = rs / 5 ;
        printf("\nThe no. of fives are         : %d", f) ;
        break ;
    while(rs >= 2)
        g = rs / 2 ;
        printf("\nThe no. of Twos are          : %d", g) ;
        break ;
    while(rs >= 1)
        h = rs / 1 ;
        printf("\nThe no. of ones are          : %d \n\n", h) ;
        break ;
    getchar() ;

//end of program

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...till next post, bye-bye and take care.

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