Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Computer Basics: Introduction

In the new era of technical world, personal computers have become an integral part of human lives. Take any example of life; most of our communication with the world around us takes place with the help of these personal computers. Personal computers are based on the microprocessor technology which works on microchip technology. We can use personal computers for word processing, accounting, desktop publishing, and spreadsheet and database management applications.

Today, almost all of us in the world make use of computers in one way or the other. It finds applications in various fields of engineering, medicine, commercial, research and others. Not only in these sophisticated areas, but also in our daily lives, computers have become indispensable. They are present everywhere, in all the devices that we use daily like cars, games, washing machines, microwaves etc. and in day to day computations like banking, reservations, electronic mails, internet and many more.


Computer is one of the most powerful tools man has ever created. Computers have made a great impact on our everyday life. Today, computer technology has permeated every sphere of existence of modern man. With the growing information needs in the modern world, the computer has become one of the vital components for the survival of the business houses.

The presence of computers is felt in almost every working place from the bus, air and railway ticket counters to satellite launching, from retail stores to medical diagnosis and from home use to research organizations.

Everywhere, we witness the elegance, sophistication and efficiency made possible only with the help of computers. Computer has become a part and parcel of our daily life.

Present computer

Fundamentals of Computers

A system can be defined as a set of components that work together to accomplish one or more common goals. A Computer is nothing but a system accepting input from a user, process the same, and giving the output in the required format. In other words a computer is a machine, which can be programmed to compute. The characteristics of a computer are:

• Response to a specific set of commands called as Instructions.

• Execution of a prerecorded list of instructions called Program


Capabilities of computers

Stepping down from the domains of technical people such as scientists and engineers; computer, today, is a very familiar household word. In 1950's computers were special purpose machines, which only huge institutions such as governments and universities could afford. In the 1960's modern computer began to revolutionize the business world and today it has become popular with all kinds of people from business to employees, from doctors to lawyers and from players to school going children. Today, computers are directly or indirectly influencing every aspect of our lives. Wherever human intellect and technology meet, we will find computers. Computers of all sizes and shapes are used for every purpose imaginable - from selling railway tickets to running washing machines; from stock market analysis to playing games; from publishing a new letter to designing a building… They can perform activities ranging from simple calculations to performing complex CAD modelling and simulations to navigating missiles and satellites. Computers can communicate with other computers and can receive and send data in various forms like text, sound, video, graphics, etc. This ability of computer to communicate to one another has led to the development of computer networks, Internet, WWW and so on.

Today, we can send e-mail to people all around the world. We, now, live in a connected world and all this is because of computers and other related technologies. 

What is a modern Computer Journey?

A Computer is a group of electronic devices used to process data. In the 1950s, computers were massive, special-purpose machines that only huge institutions such as governments and universities could afford. Primarily, these early computers performed complex numerical tasks, such as calculating the precise orbit of Mars or planning the trajectories of missiles or processing statistics for the Bureau of the census. Although computers were certainly useful for tasks like these, it soon became apparent that they could also be helpful in an ordinary business environment.

In the 1960s, modern computers began to revolutionize the business world. IBM introduced its System/360 mainframe computer in April 1964 and ultimately sold over 33,000 of these machines. As a result of the commercial success of its System/360, IBM became the standard against which other computer manufacturers and their systems would be measured for years to come.

In the 1970s, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) took two more giant steps toward bringing computers into mainstream use with the introduction of its PDP-11 and VAX computers. These models came in many sizes to meet different needs and budgets. Since then, computers continue to shrink in size while providing more power for less money. Today, the most common type of computer you will see is called a personal or PC, because it is designed to be used by just one person at a time. Despite its small size the modern personal computer is more powerful than any of the room-sized machines of the 1960s.

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In this post we covered introduction to computers, capabilities of computers and Modern journey of computer in brief. If detailed information is needed please browse or search the internet for above terms.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care.

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