Monday, November 29, 2021

Types or classification of computers - 3

The computer has passed through many stages of evolution from the days of the mainframe computers to the era of microcomputers. Computers have been classified based on different criteria. In this post, we shall classify computers based on four popular methods.

Based on Utility or purpose

Depending on their flexibility in operation, computers are classified as either special purpose or general purpose.

Special purpose computers are designed to perform a specific task such as keeping time in a digital watch or programming a video cassette recorder. In the case of General purpose computers they are adapted to perform any number of functions or tasks.

Digital Computers are further classified as General Purpose Digital Computers and Special Purpose Digital Computers. General Purpose computers can be used for any applications like accounts, payroll, data processing etc. Special purpose computers are used for a specific job like those used in automobiles, microwaves etc.


General purpose computer

General-Purpose computers are computers designed to handle wide range of problems.

Theoretically, a general-purpose computer can be adequate by means of some easily alterable instructions to handle any problems that can be solved by computation. In practice however, there are limitations imposed by memory size, speed and the type of input/output devices. Examples of areas where the general purpose are employed include the following:

· Payroll

· Banking

· Billing

· Sales analysis

· Cost accounting

· Manufacturing scheduling

· Inventory control

General Attributes of General-Purpose Computers

General-Purpose computers are more flexible than special purpose computers. They can handle a wide spectrum of problems.

They are less efficient than the special-purpose computers due to such problems as; Inadequate storage; Low operating speed;   

Coordination of the various tasks and subsection may take time.

General Purpose Computers are more complex than the special purpose ones.

In the case of General purpose computers they are adapted to perform any number of functions or tasks.


Special purpose computer

A special purpose computer is one that is designed to solve a restricted class of problems. Such computers may even be designed and built to handle only one job. In such machines, the steps or operations that the computer follows may be built into the hardware. Most of the computers used for military purposes fall into this class. Other example of special purpose computers include:

Computers designed specifically to solve navigational problems.

Computers designed for tracking airplane or missiles.

Computers used for process control applications in industries such as oil refinery, chemical manufacture, steel processing and power generation.

Computers used as robots in factories like vehicles assembly plants and glass industries.

General Attributes of Special Purpose Computers

Special purpose computer are usually very efficient for the tasks for which they are specially designed.

They are very much less complex than the General-Purpose Computers. The simplicity of the circuiting stems from the fact that provision is made only for limited facilities.

They are very much cheaper than the General-Purpose type since they involve less components and are less complex.

Special purpose computers are designed to perform a specific task such as keeping time in a digital watch or programming a video cassette recorder.

Based on mode of use or computing power

Based on mode of use or computing power computers are classified into five categories.

Palmtop computer

This is the smallest type of personal computer making it easy to carry anywhere. Handhelds are battery-operated with targeted but limited capabilities. Usually, a small keyboard or a pen-like stylus is used to operate a handheld.

These types of computers are mainly used in applications like collection of field data. They are even smaller than the note book computers.

Palmtop Computer/Digital Diary /Notebook /PDAs: a hand-sized computer. Palmtops have no keyboard but the screen serves both as an input and output device.

Tablet Computer has features of the notebook computer but it can accept input from a stylus or a pen instead of the keyboard or mouse. It is a portable computer. Tablet computer are the new kind of PCs.

 Handheld Computer or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is a small computer that can be held on the top of the palm. It is small in size. Instead of the keyboard, PDA uses a pen or a stylus for input. PDAs do not have a disk drive. They have a limited memory and are less powerful. PDAs can be connected to the Internet via a wireless connection. Casio and Apple are some of the manufacturers of PDA. Over the last few years, PDAs have merged into mobile phones to create smart phones.

 Smart Phones are cellular phones that function both as a phone and as a small PC. They may use a stylus or a pen, or may have a small keyboard. They can be connected to the Internet wirelessly. They are used to access the electronic-mail, download music, play games, etc. Blackberry, Apple, HTC, Nokia and LG are some of the manufacturers of smart phones.

Palmtop, better known as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), are small, lightweight and tightly integrated computers which usually do not have keyboards but rely on touch screen technology for user-input.


Laptop computer

A type of personal computer that integrates the system unit, monitor, keyboard, and mouse available with a desktop computer into one portable package with either be plugged into an electrical outlet or battery operated.

These are portable in nature and are battery operated. Storage devices like CDs, floppies etc. and output devices like printers can be connected to these computers. Notebook computers are smaller in physical size than lap top computers. However, both have powerful processors, support graphics, and can accept mouse driven input.

A portable computer complete with an integrated screen and keyboard. It is generally smaller in size than a desktop computer and larger than a notebook computer.

Notebook Computers or Laptop resemble a notebook. They are portable and have all the features of a desktop computer. The advantage of the laptop is that it is small in size (can be put inside a briefcase), can be carried anywhere, has a battery backup and has all the functionality of the desktop. Laptops can be placed on the lap while working (hence the name).

Laptops are costlier than the desktop machines.

 Netbook These are smaller notebooks optimized for low weight and low cost, and are designed for accessing web-based applications. Starting with the earliest netbook in late 2007, they have gained significant popularity now. Netbooks deliver the performance needed to enjoy popular activities like streaming videos or music, emailing, Web surfing or instant messaging. The word netbook was created as a blend of Internet and notebook.

Laptops and Notebooks are portable computers. They include a battery that provides electrical backup for a period of time.


Personal computer

A Personal Computer can be defined as a small, relatively inexpensive computer designed for an individual user. Personal Computers are based on the microprocessor technology that enables manufacturers to put an entire CPU on one chip. Businesses use personal computers for word processing, accounting, desktop publishing, and for running spreadsheet and database management applications. At home, the most popular use for personal computers is playing games and surfing the Internet.

Usually includes a tower-style system unit with an external keyboard, a monitor, and a mouse. A desktop is the most powerful of all the types of personal computers because it can be easily upgraded by adding or replacing components.

A personal or micro-mini computer sufficient to fit on a desk.

Desktop Computer or Personal Computer (PC) is the most common type of microcomputer. It is a stand-alone machine that can be placed on the desk. Externally, it consists of three units—keyboard, monitor, and a system unit containing the CPU, memory, hard disk drive, etc. It is not very expensive and is suited to the needs of a single user at home, small business units, and organizations. Apple, Microsoft, HP, Dell and Lenovo are some of the PC manufacturers.

It is a single user computer system having moderately powerful microprocessor

Personal computer (PC) is small in size and is designed for general use by a single person.

Desktop computer is typically set up in a permanent location and is a PC that is not portable.

A desktop computer is a PC built for high performance and heavy workload. It helps in faster rendering of complex graphics, provides power for computer intensive applications and memory for large tasks. They are more reliable and have less downtime.

Micro-computers came into being with the invention of the micro-processor. They are not so expensive. The personal computer is a micro-computer.

Uses of Personal Computers

Personal computers can perform the following functions:

Can be used to produce documents like memos, reports, letters and briefs.

Can be used to calculate budget and accounting tasks

It can analyze numeric function

It can create illustrations

Can be used for electronic mails

Can help in making schedule and plan projects.

It can assist in schedules and plan projects.

It can assist in searching for specific information from lists or from reports.

Advantages of Personal Computers

Computer is versatile; it can be used in any establishment.

Has faster speed for processing data.

Can deal with several data at a time

Can attend to several users at the same time, thereby able to process several jobs at a time.

Capable of storing several data.

Operating of Computer is less fatigue

Network possible, that is linking of two or more computers together.

Disadvantages of Personal Computers

Computer is costly to maintain.

It is very fragile and complex to handle

It requires special skill to operate

With the invention and innovation every day, computer suffers from being obsolete.

It can lead to unemployment when used mostly in less Developed Countries.

Some computers cannot function properly without the aid of cooling system e.g. air-condition or fan in some locations.



A terminal or desktop computer in a network. In this context, workstation is just a generic term for a user's machine (client machine) in contrast to a "server" or "mainframe."

It is also a single user computer system which is similar to personal computer but have more powerful microprocessor.



This category usually includes many server and much more clients’ interconnected with each other arrangement.


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In this post we covered types or classification of computer in detail. The topic is very tricky so repetition of sentences is observed but trust me they are there for some purpose [they convey other aspects of the topic with same sentence structure].

If more detailed information is needed please browse or search the internet for above terms. All images are from Google search.

Keywords: Computer, type or classification of computer.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care.

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