Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Computer basics: other factors - 1

Similarities and Difference between Human and Computer

Computer is a very effective and efficient machine which performs several activities in few minutes, which otherwise would have taken several days if performed naturally. Besides there would have been a doubt about the accuracy, finish etc. The computer may be faster; more accurate but it cannot compete with human brain. However there are some similarities between the human and the computer which would make the computer more understandable.

Human and Computer

# Like human beings has ears, nose, eyes etc.

Computers have input devices such as keyboard, scanner, touch screen, mouse etc. to get information.

# Like we remember things

Computer also stores information.

#We recollect certain information as required.

The computer also retrieves information when times,

#We express ourselves by speech, writing etc.

Computer expresses through screen, Printouts etc. which We call as output.

#When we watch, hear, learn certain things and analyze.

With the help of software, computer also can analyze Information and draw conclusions.

#The place where we store, analyze,

The computer brain is known as CPU conclude information is known as the brain (Central Processing Unit) where it analyses information

The computer has storage devices like floppies, hard disks, compact disks to store and retrieve information.

However computer does not understand emotions, it does not understand meaning beyond words, it cannot read between the lines like the human. We learn many things unknowingly, certain things knowingly; we call it as upbringing. But computers can learn everything only knowingly. We learn many things on our own, but computer has to be taught to do everything.


Characteristics of Computer System

There are various features or characteristics of the computer system depending on their size, capacity, and specifications. But, the major characteristics of the computer can be classified into Speed, Accuracy, Diligence, Versatility, Reliability, Consistency, Memory, Storage Capacity, Remembrance Power, and Automation.

Computers are not just adding machines; they are capable of doing complex activities and operations. They can be programmed to do complex, tedious and monotonous tasks. All computers have certain common characteristics irrespective of their type and size. The following are the important characteristics which took together, enable a computer to surpass its performance in some tasks in which the human beings cannot perform efficiently:

1. Speed: A computer is a very fast device capable of data processing at unbelievable speed. It can perform in a few seconds the amount of work that a human being may not be able to do in an entire year even if he works day and night and does nothing else. Computers can process millions of instructions per second thus carrying out even the complex tasks in fractions of seconds without any mistake.

While talking about the speed of a computer, we do not talk in terms of seconds or even milliseconds (10-3). Our units of speed are the microseconds (10-6), the nanoseconds (10-9), and even the picoseconds (10-12). A powerful computer is capable of performing about 3 to 4 million simple arithmetic operations per second.

2. Accuracy: In addition to speed, the computer has high accuracy in computing. The accuracy of a computer is consistently high and the degree of accuracy of a particular computer depends upon its design. But for a particular computer, each and every calculation is performed with the same accuracy. Errors can occur in a computer, but these are mainly due to human rather than technological weakness.

The errors in computer are due to errors in programming and operation by human and due to inaccurate data.

3. Versatility: A computer is a very versatile machine. Versatility is one of the most wonderful features of the computer in the sense that they are not only capable of handling complex arithmetical problems, but can do equally well other number of jobs. They can perform activities ranging from simple calculations to performing complex CAD modeling and simulations to navigating missiles and satellites. In other words, computers can be programmed to perform any task that can be reduced to a series of logical steps. Computers can communicate with other computers and can receive and send data in various forms like text, sound, video, graphics, etc. We, now, live in a connected world and all this is because of computers and other related technologies.

4. Diligency: Unlike human beings, a computer is free from monotony, tiredness, lack of concentration etc. and hence can work for hours together without creating any error and without grumbling. Due to this property computers obviously score over human beings in doing routine type of jobs, which require greater accuracy.

They will perform the tasks that are given to them - irrespective of whether it is interesting, creative, monotonous or boring; irrespective of whether it is the first time or the millionth time - with exactly the same accuracy and speed.

5. Storage Capability: Computers have their main memory and auxiliary memory systems. A computer can store a large amount of data. With more and more auxiliary storage devices, which are capable of storing huge amounts of data, the storage capacity of a computer is virtually unlimited. The factor that makes computer storage unique is not that it can store vast amount of data, but the fact that it can retrieve the information that the user wants in a few seconds. Every piece of information can be retained as long as desired by the user and can be recalled as and when required. Even after several years, the information recalled is as accurate as on the day when it was fed to computer. A computer forgets or looses certain information only when it is asked to do so. So it is entirely up to the user to make a computer retain or forget particular information.

6. Reliability: Reliability of the computers is indeed very high. Modern electronic components have long failure free lives. A microprocessor chip is said to have a life of 40 years even under adverse conditions and much before it fails, it will become obsolete. Computers are also designed in modular form so as to make maintenance easy; when a component fails, it can be replaced or repaired at a minimal cost.

7. Automation: The level of automation achieved in a computer is phenomenal. It is not a simple calculator where you have to punch in the numbers and press the equal to sign to get the result. Once a task is initiated, computers can proceed on its own till its completion. Computers can be programmed to perform a series of complex tasks involving multiple programs. Computers will perform these things flawlessly. They will execute the programs in the correct sequence, they will switch on/off the machines at the appropriate time, they will monitor the operational parameters, and they will send warning signals or take corrective actions if the parameters exceed the control level, and so on. Computers are capable of these levels of automation, provided they are programmed correctly.

Application of computers

Computers have proliferated into various areas of our lives. For a user, computer is a tool that provides the desired information, whenever needed. You may use computer to get information about the reservation of tickets (railways, airplanes and cinema halls), books in a library, medical history of a person, a place in a map, or the dictionary meaning of a word. The information may be presented to you in the form of text, images, video clips, etc.

Figure 1.15 shows some of the applications of computer.

Some of the application areas of the computer are listed below—

Education Computers are extensively used, as a tool and as an aid, for imparting education. Educators use computers to prepare notes and presentations of their lectures.

Computers are used to develop computer-based training packages, to provide distance education using the e-learning software, and to conduct online examinations. Researchers use computers to get easy access to conference and journal details and to get global access to the research material.

Entertainment Computers have had a major impact on the entertainment industry. The user can download and view movies, play games, chat, book tickets for cinema halls, use multimedia for making movies, incorporate visual and sound effects using computers, etc. The users can also listen to music, download and share music, create music using computers, etc.

Sports A computer can be used to watch a game, view the scores, improve the game, play games (like chess, etc.) and create games. They are also used for the purposes of training players.

Advertising Computer is a powerful advertising media. Advertisement can be displayed on different websites, electronic-mails can be sent and reviews of a product by different customers can be posted. Computers are also used to create an advertisement using the visual and the sound effects. For the advertisers, computer is a medium via which the advertisements can be viewed globally. Web advertising has become a significant factor in the marketing plans of almost all companies. In fact, the business model of Google is mainly dependent on web advertising for generating revenues.


Figure 1.15 Applications of computer

Medicine Medical researchers and practitioners use computers to access information about the advances in medical research or to take opinion of doctors globally. The medical history of patients is stored in the computers. Computers are also an integral part of various kinds of sophisticated medical equipments like ultrasound machine, CAT scan machine, MRI scan machine, etc. Computers also provide assistance to the medical surgeons during critical surgery operations like laparoscopic operations, etc.

Science and Engineering Scientists and engineers use computers for performing complex scientific calculations, for designing and making drawings (CAD/CAM applications) and also for simulating and testing the designs. Computers are used for storing the complex data, performing complex calculations and for visualizing 3¡V dimensional objects. Complex scientific applications like the launch of the rockets, space exploration, etc., are not possible without the computers.

Government The government uses computers to manage its own operations and also for e-governance. The websites of the different government departments provide information to the users. Computers are used for the filing of income tax return, paying taxes, online submission of water and electricity bills, for the access of land record details, etc. The police department uses computers to search for criminals using fingerprint matching, etc.

Home Computers have now become an integral part of home equipment. At home, people use computers to play games, to maintain the home accounts, for communicating with friends and relatives via Internet, for paying bills, for education and learning, etc.

Microprocessors are embedded in house hold utilities like, washing machines, TVs, food processors, home theatres, security devices, etc.

The list of applications of computers is so long that it is not possible to discuss all of them here.

In addition to the applications of the computers discussed above, computers have also proliferated into areas like banks, investments, stock trading, accounting, ticket reservation, military operations, meteorological predictions, social networking, business organizations, police department, video conferencing, tele-presence, book publishing, web newspapers, and information sharing.


Post activity:

In this post we covered Similarities and difference, characteristics and applications of computer in detail. If more detailed information is needed please browse or search the internet for above terms.

Keywords: Computer, Similarities & difference, characteristics and applications of computer.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care.

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