Sunday, November 21, 2021

Computer Organization

In the previous posts we covered data-information-and computer, what is computer? And how computer works? In this post we will see how computer is organized or working principle of computer in simple terms.

Computer Organization or working principle of computer

Definition of computer

Computer is an electronic device or machine which accept data through Input device (Keyboard) and process it in processing unit (CPU) and produce desire output or information through output devices (monitor or printer)

A general purpose computer generally has an input unit, an output unit, a central processing unit and a memory unit.

Computers are not really as complicated as they initially seem. You just have to learn the basic functions of the various parts, and then you can separate them into four categories:

• Input: access data

Any device that lets you talk to the computer (such as a mouse or keyboard). Input is the raw information entered into a computer from the input devices. It is the collection of letters, numbers, images etc.

• Process/Storage: processes data

Main functions of a computer, which happen inside the computer case. Not surprisingly, the Central Processing Unit (CPU) does all the processing; the storage function is handled by any number of drives (hard, floppy, Zip, tape-backup, CD/DVD-ROM) or disks (compact discs or floppy diskettes). CPU is said to be the brain of a computer where most calculations or processing takes place.

• Output: produces output

Any device that lets the computer talk to you (such as a monitor or speakers). Output is the processed data given by computer after data processing. Output is also called as Result. We can save these results in the storage devices for the future use.

• Storage/Memory: stores result, remember data

Memory is a part of the system where the data stores temporarily or permanently. 

This definition is often referred to as the IPOS cycle. The four steps of the IPOS cycle-input, processing, output, storage - do not have to occur in a rigid IPOS sequence. Under the direction of a program, a computer uses the steps of this process when needed and as often as needed. The use of a personal computer, a computer designed to meet an individual’s computing needs, illustrates these four basic computer operations. We use the keyboard for taking the input data. The computer’s internal circuitry processes the data. We see the results (output) on the computer’s monitor (the TV-like display) and we can print these results on the printer. We can also store the results on the computer’s internal disk or on a removable disk. Fig. depicts this relationship.

The concept is also called as The Input-Process-Output Concept

Working principal or Functionalities of a computer

Any digital computer carries out five functions in gross terms:

• Takes data as input.

• Stores the data/instructions in its memory and use them when required.

• Processes the data and converts it into useful information.

• Generates the output

• Controls all the above four steps.

Definition of computer                                                                       

Computer is an electronic data processing device which

• accepts and stores data input,

• processes the data input, and

• generates the output in a required format.

Post activity:

In this post we covered how computer is organized or working principle of computer in simple terms. If more detailed information is needed please browse or search the internet for above terms.

Keywords: Input, Output, process, storage, memory, IPOS cycle, Computer.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care.

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