is a Character based User Interface or CUI based simple computerized solution
to manage the system activities. This prototype code saves time and energy of
its user by automating certain tasks. This system is either file handling type
or ROM type, and stores activities in a coder-defined file or on ROM memory
is a typed language, so no need of code explanation as everything will be
cleared by itself by reading the code. If you know C++, you know this code.
It’s that simple!
to students, draw a class diagram and flow chart of system by reading the code
itself. The Code::Blocks IDE 20.03+MinGW and Cygwin tool are used to test the
that some systems are very simple and need enhancement but they are complete on
their own in other terms.
CricketScoreManagementSystem.cpp |
#include <iostream> #include
<windows.h> #include
<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; string team1,team2; vector<string>team1Players,team2Players; vector<string>::iterator
it,itt; vector<string>::reverse_iterator
rit,ritt; int tos; vector<pair<pair<int,int>,pair<int,int>
> >score1,score2; vector<pair<pair<int,int>,pair<int,int>
> >::iterator iter; int
run1,wicket1,over1,ball1; int
run2,wicket2,over2,ball2; string innings1,innings2; int innings; int over; int det; int setOver(); int toss(); int home(); int showTeamName(); int team1Details(); int team2Details(); int showTeam1Players(); int showTeam2Players(); int showScore(); int scoreTeam1(); int scoreTeam2(); int scoring(); int score11(); int score22(); int result(); void infoSaving() { cout<<"\n\n\nSAVING
INFORMATION......."<<endl; Sleep(500);//_sleep(500); cout<<"\tSAVING
INFORMATION......."<<endl; Sleep(500); cout<<"\tINFORMATION
SAVED"<<endl; } void infoProcessing() { Sleep(1000); } void showSystem() { system("cls"); system("color 03"); } void showHeading() { showSystem(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(60)<<"CRICKET SCORE\n\n"<<endl; } void
pressAnyKeyToContinue() { cout<<"\n\nPRESS ANY KEY TO
CONTINUE :"; char c; cin>>c; } void wrongOption() { cout<<"\n\nWRONG OPTION,CHOOSE
A VALID OPTION AGAIN!"<<endl; } void sleeping() { Sleep(1000); } int controleRoom() { showHeading(); tos=0; innings=1; det=0; team1.erase(); team2.erase(); team1Players.clear(); team2Players.clear(); run1=wicket1=over1=ball1=0; run2=wicket2=over2=ball2=0; cout<<"ENTER FIRST TEAM NAME:
"; cin>>ws; getline(cin,team1); cout<<"ENTER SECOND TEAM NAME:
"; cin>>ws; getline(cin,team2); setOver(); showTeamName(); team1Details(); team2Details(); showTeam1Players(); showTeam2Players(); home(); return 0; } int home() { showHeading();
cout<<"1.TOSS"<<endl; cout<<"2. VIEW PLAYERS OF TEAM
1"<<endl; cout<<"3. VIEW PLAYERS OF TEAM
2"<<endl; cout<<"4. SHOW
SCORE"<<endl; cout<<"5.
SCORING"<<endl; cout<<"6. EDIT FROM
FIRST"<<endl; cout<<"7. SHOW
RESULT"<<endl; cout<<"0.
EXIT"<<endl; cout<<"CHOOSE AN OPTION :
"; int choice; cin>>choice; if(choice<0 || choice>7) { wrongOption(); pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); } else if(choice==0) { cout<<"\n\nEXISTING....."<<endl; sleeping();
cout<<"\tEXISTING....."<<endl; sleeping();
cout<<"\t\tEXISTING....."<<endl; sleeping(); cout<<"\n\n\tWISH YOU
ENJOYED THIS!\n"<<endl; pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return 0; } else if(choice==1) { toss(); } else if(choice==2) { showHeading(); showTeam1Players(); return home(); } else if(choice==3) { showHeading(); showTeam2Players(); return home(); } else if(choice==4) { showScore(); } else if(choice==5) { scoring(); } else if(choice==6) { cout<<"\n\n\tWAY TO
FIRST!"<<endl; sleeping(); pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return controleRoom(); } else if(choice==7) { result(); } } int main() { showSystem(); controleRoom(); return 0; } int showTeamName() { showSystem(); showHeading(); cout<<team1<<" vs
"<<team2<<endl<<endl<<endl; pressAnyKeyToContinue(); } int team1Details() { showHeading(); cout<<"TEAM
:"<<team1<<endl; cout<<"ENTER FIRST ELEVEN OF
TEAM "<<team1<<" :"<<endl; string name; for(int i=1; i<=11; ++i) { cout<<i<<" : "; cin>>ws; getline(cin,name); team1Players.push_back(name); } infoSaving(); pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return 0; } int team2Details() { showHeading(); cout<<"TEAM
:"<<team2<<endl; cout<<"ENTER FIRST ELEVEN OF
TEAM "<<team2<<" :"<<endl; string name; for(int i=1; i<=11; ++i) { cout<<i<<" : "; cin>>ws; getline(cin,name); team2Players.push_back(name); } infoSaving(); pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return 0; } int setOver() { showHeading(); cout<<"SET OVER : "; cin>>over; infoSaving(); pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return 0; } int showTeam1Players() { showSystem(); showHeading(); cout<<"TEAM
:"<<team1<<endl; cout<<"\n\nPLAYERS
:\n"<<endl; int index=1; for(it=team1Players.begin();
it!=team1Players.end(); ++it) { cout<<index<<" :
"<<*it<<endl; ++index; } pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return 0; } int showTeam2Players() { showSystem(); showHeading(); cout<<"TEAM
:"<<team2<<endl; cout<<"\n\nPLAYERS
:\n"<<endl; int index=1; for(it=team2Players.begin();
it!=team2Players.end(); ++it) { cout<<index<<" :
"<<*it<<endl; ++index; } pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return 0; } int toss() { showHeading();
cout<<"TOSS\n\n"<<endl; if(tos>0) { cout<<"\nTOSSED
BEFORE"<<endl; pressAnyKeyToContinue(); } else { ++tos; srand(time(0)); int random_number=rand()%100; int det; if(random_number%2==0) { cout<<team2<<"
WON THE TOSS\n\n"<<endl; det=2; } else { cout<<team1<<"
WON THE TOSS\n\n"<<endl; det=1; }
cout<<"2.BAT"<<endl; string choice; while(true) { cout<<"CHOSOE AN
OPTION : "; cin>>choice; if(choice=="1") { if(det==1) { cout<<"TEAM
"<<team1<<" CHOSE TO BOWL"<<endl; innings1=team2; innings2=team1; } else { cout<<"TEAM
"<<team2<<" CHOSE TO BOWL"<<endl; innings1=team1; innings2=team2; } break; } else if(choice=="2") { if(det==1) { cout<<"TEAM
"<<team1<<" CHOSE TO BAT"<<endl; innings1=team1; innings2=team2; } else { cout<<"TEAM
"<<team2<<" CHOSE TO BAT"<<endl; innings1=team1; innings2=team2; } break; } } } infoSaving(); pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); } int showScore() { showHeading(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(30)<<"SCOREBOARD"<<endl; cout<<"1.
"<<team1<<endl; cout<<"2.
"<<team2<<endl; cout<<"\n\nCHOOSE TEAM
:"; string choice; cin>>choice; if(choice=="1") { scoreTeam1(); } else if(choice=="2") { scoreTeam2(); } else { cout<<"\n\nWRONG
OPTION"<<endl; cout<<"\tCHOOSE
AGAIN!\n\n"<<endl; sleeping(); return showScore(); } } int scoreTeam1() { showHeading(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(30)<<"SCOREBOARD("<<team1<<")"<<endl; cout<<"\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"R W
O B\n"<<endl; cout<<run1<<" |
"<<ball1<<endl; pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); return 0; } int scoreTeam2() { showHeading(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(30)<<"SCOREBOARD("<<team2<<")"<<endl; cout<<"\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"R W
O B\n"<<endl; cout<<run2<<" |
"<<ball2<<endl; pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); } int score11() { showHeading(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(30)<<"SCOREBOARD("<<team1<<")"<<endl; cout<<"\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"INNINGS :
"<<innings<<endl<<endl; cout<<"R W
O B\n"<<endl; cout<<run1<<" |
"<<ball1<<endl<<endl; return 0; } int score22() { showHeading(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(30)<<"SCOREBOARD("<<team2<<")"<<endl; cout<<"\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"INNINGS :
"<<innings<<endl<<endl; cout<<"TARGET :
"<<run1<<endl<<endl; cout<<"R W
O B\n"<<endl; cout<<run2<<" |
"<<ball2<<endl<<endl; return 0; } int scoring() { while(1) { if(innings==1) { score11(); cout<<"1.
OUT"<<endl; cout<<"2.
RUN"<<endl; cout<<"3.
BALL"<<endl; cout<<"4. NO
BALL"<<endl; cout<<"\n\nCHOOSE AN
OPTION :"; string choice; cin>>choice; if(choice=="1") { ++wicket1; ++ball1; } else if(choice=="2") { int run; cout<<"RUN : "; cin>>run; run1+=run; ++ball1; } else if(choice=="3") { ++ball1; } else if(choice=="4") { ++run1; } else { cout<<"WRONH
OPTION\n\tTRY AGAIN!"<<endl; infoProcessing(); return scoring(); } if(ball1==6) { ++over1; ball1=0; } if(wicket1==10) { cout<<"\n\nALL OUT
"<<team1<<endl; cout<<"FIRST
INNINGS COMPLETED"<<endl; innings=2; infoSaving(); pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); } else if(over1==over) { cout<<"\n\nOVER
COMPLETED"<<endl; cout<<"FIRST
INNINGS COMPLETED"<<endl; innings=2; infoSaving(); pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); } } else if(innings==2) { score22(); cout<<"1.
OUT"<<endl; cout<<"2.
RUN"<<endl; cout<<"3.
BALL"<<endl; cout<<"4. NO
BALL"<<endl; cout<<"\n\nCHOOSE AN
OPTION :"; string choice; cin>>choice; if(choice=="1") { ++wicket2; ++ball2; } else if(choice=="2") { int run; cout<<"RUN :
"; cin>>run; run2+=run; ++ball2; } else if(choice=="3") { ++ball2; } else if(choice=="4") { ++run2; } else { cout<<"WRONH
OPTION\n\tTRY AGAIN!"<<endl; infoProcessing(); return scoring(); } if(ball2==6) { ++over2; ball2=0; } if(wicket2==10) { cout<<"\n\nALL OUT
"<<team1<<endl; cout<<"SECOND
INNINGS COMPLETED"<<endl; infoSaving(); pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); } else if(over2==over) { cout<<"\n\nOVER
COMPLETED"<<endl; cout<<"SECOND
INNINGS COMPLETED"<<endl; ++det; infoSaving(); pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); } else if(run2>run1) { ++det; return result(); } } else { cout<<"GAME
OVER!"<<endl; pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); } } } int result() { showHeading(); if(det==0) { cout<<"GAME IS
RUNNING\n\n"<<endl; pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); } else { if(run1>run2) { cout<<team1<<"
WONNER!!!"<<endl; cout<<team2<<" LOSER
:)"<<endl; innings=3; pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); } else if(run1<run2) { cout<<team2<<"
WONNER!!!"<<endl; cout<<team1<<"
LOSER :)"<<endl; innings=3; pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); } else { cout<<"MATCH
DRAW!"<<endl; innings=3; pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return home(); } } } |
or more C/C++ codes related information click here. …till next post, bye-bye and take care. |
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