is a Character based User Interface or CUI based simple computerized solution
to manage the system activities. This prototype code saves time and energy of
its user by automating certain tasks. This system is either file handling type
or ROM type, and stores activities in a coder-defined file or on ROM memory
is a typed language, so no need of code explanation as everything will be
cleared by itself by reading the code. If you know C++, you know this code.
It’s that simple!
to students, draw a class diagram and flow chart of system by reading the code
itself. The Code::Blocks IDE 20.03+MinGW and Cygwin tool are used to test the
that some systems are very simple and need enhancement but they are complete on
their own in other terms.
StudentManagementSystem.cpp |
#include<iostream> using namespace std; string
arr1[20],arr2[20],arr3[20],arr4[20],arr5[20]; int total=0; void enter() { int ch=0; cout<<"How many students do u
want to enter??"<<endl; cin>>ch; if(total==0) { total=ch+total; for(int i=0; i<ch; i++) { cout<<"\nEnter the
Data of student "<<i+1<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Enter name
"; cin>>arr1[i]; cout<<"Enter Roll no
"; cin>>arr2[i]; cout<<"Enter course
"; cin>>arr3[i]; cout<<"Enter class
"; cin>>arr4[i]; cout<<"Enter contact
"; cin>>arr5[i]; } } else { for(int i=total; i<ch+total; i++) { cout<<"\nEnter the
Data of student "<<i+1<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Enter name
"; cin>>arr1[i]; cout<<"Enter Roll no
"; cin>>arr2[i]; cout<<"Enter course
"; cin>>arr3[i]; cout<<"Enter class
"; cin>>arr4[i]; cout<<"Enter contact
"; cin>>arr5[i]; } total=ch+total; } } void show() { if(total==0) { cout<<"No data is
entered"<<endl; } else { for(int i=0; i<total; i++) { cout<<"\nData of
Student "<<i+1<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Name
"<<arr1[i]<<endl; cout<<"Roll no
"<<arr2[i]<<endl; cout<<"Course
"<<arr3[i]<<endl; cout<<"Class
"<<arr4[i]<<endl; cout<<"Contact
"<<arr5[i]<<endl; } } } void search() { if(total==0) { cout<<"No data is
entered"<<endl; } else { string rollno; cout<<"Enter the roll no
of student"<<endl; cin>>rollno; for(int i=0; i<total; i++) { if(rollno==arr2[i]) { cout<<"Name
"<<arr1[i]<<endl; cout<<"Roll no
"<<arr2[i]<<endl; cout<<"Course
"<<arr3[i]<<endl; cout<<"Class
"<<arr4[i]<<endl; cout<<"Contact
"<<arr5[i]<<endl; } } } } void update() { if(total==0) { cout<<"No data is
entered"<<endl; } else { string rollno; cout<<"Enter the roll no
of student which you want to update"<<endl; cin>>rollno; for(int i=0; i<total; i++) { if(rollno==arr2[i]) { cout<<"\nPrevious
data"<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Data of
Student "<<i+1<<endl; cout<<"Name
"<<arr1[i]<<endl; cout<<"Roll no
"<<arr2[i]<<endl; cout<<"Course
"<<arr3[i]<<endl; cout<<"Class
"<<arr4[i]<<endl; cout<<"Contact
"<<arr5[i]<<endl; cout<<"\nEnter new
data"<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Enter name
"; cin>>arr1[i]; cout<<"Enter Roll no "; cin>>arr2[i]; cout<<"Enter
course "; cin>>arr3[i]; cout<<"Enter class
"; cin>>arr4[i]; cout<<"Enter
contact "; cin>>arr5[i]; } } } } void deleterecord() { if(total==0) { cout<<"No data is
entered"<<endl; } else { int a; cout<<"Press 1 to delete
all record"<<endl; cout<<"Press 2 to delete specific
record"<<endl; cin>>a; if(a==1) { total=0; cout<<"All record is
deleted..!!"<<endl; } else if(a==2) { string rollno; cout<<"Enter the roll
no of student which you wanted to delete"<<endl; cin>>rollno; for(int i=0; i<total; i++) { if(rollno==arr2[i]) { for(int j=i; j<total;
j++) { arr1[j]=arr1[j+1]; arr2[j]=arr2[j+1]; arr3[j]=arr3[j+1]; arr4[j]=arr4[j+1]; arr5[j]=arr5[j+1]; } total--; cout<<"Your required
record is deleted"<<endl; } } } else { cout<<"Invalid
input"; } } } main() { int value; while(true) { cout<<"\nPress 1 to enter
data"<<endl; cout<<"Press 2 to show
data"<<endl; cout<<"Press 3 to search
data"<<endl; cout<<"Press 4 to update
data"<<endl; cout<<"Press 5 to delete
data"<<endl; cout<<"Press 6 to
exit"<<endl; cin>>value; switch(value) { case 1: enter(); break; case 2: show(); break; case 3: search(); break; case 4: update(); break; case 5: deleterecord(); break; case 6: exit(0); break; default: cout<<"Invalid
input"<<endl; break; } } } |
For more C/C++ codes related information click here. …till next post, bye-bye and take care. |
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