is a Character based User Interface or CUI based simple computerized solution
to manage the system activities. This prototype code saves time and energy of
its user by automating certain tasks. This system is either file handling type
or ROM type, and stores activities in a coder-defined file or on ROM memory
is a typed language, so no need of code explanation as everything will be
cleared by itself by reading the code. If you know C++, you know this code.
It’s that simple!
to students, draw a class diagram and flow chart of system by reading the code
itself. The Code::Blocks IDE 20.03+MinGW and Cygwin tool are used to test the
that some systems are very simple and need enhancement but they are complete on
their own in other terms.
StudentAttendanceRecordSystem.cpp |
/* admin admin */ #include
<bits/stdc++.h> #include <iostream> #include
<windows.h> using namespace std; void systemCommand() { system("cls"); system("color 02"); } void adminShow() { systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"ADMIN\n\n"<<endl; } void
studentAttendanceSystemShow() { cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<setfill('
SYSTEM!\n\n\n"<<endl; } int tries; int total_days; vector<pair<int,string>
>student_list; vector<pair<int,string>
>::iterator it; vector<pair<int,string>
>::reverse_iterator itt; vector<pair<int,int>
>student_attendance; vector<pair<int,int>
>::iterator sa; vector<pair<int,int>
>::reverse_iterator rsa; int admin(); int adminCheck(); int student(); int studentList(); int attendanceRecord(); int addStudent(); int removeAStudent(); int removeAllStudents(); int attendanceCall(); bool
cmp(pair<int,string>p,pair<int,string>q) { return p.first<q.first; } void sortStudentList() {
sort(student_list.begin(),student_list.end(),cmp); } bool
cmp1(pair<int,int>p,pair<int,int>q) { return p.first<q.first; } void
sortStudentAttendance() { sort(student_attendance.begin(),student_attendance.end(),cmp1); } int home() { systemCommand; studentAttendanceSystemShow(); sortStudentList(); sortStudentAttendance();
cout<<"Exit----------->Ex"<<endl; cout<<"\n\n\tChoose an
option(Ad,Stu,Ex): "; string choice; cin>>choice; if(choice!="Ad" &&
choice!="Stu" && choice!="Ex") { if(tries==5) { system("cls"); system("color 04"); cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<"U crossed
limited attempt!\n\t"; Sleep(1500);//_sleep(1500); cout<<"Wanna hack
this? :(:(:(\n\t\t"; Sleep(1500); cout<<"U R NAUGHTY
xD\n\n\n"<<endl; return 0; } else { cout<<"\n\nWrong
Option!\n\tTry again.........."<<endl; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); ++tries; return home(); } } else if(choice=="Ex") { systemCommand(); cout<<"\n\n\nLogging
Out......."<<endl; Sleep(1000); cout<<"\tLogging
Out......."<<endl; Sleep(1000); systemCommand(); cout<<"\n\n\tLogged
Out!\n\n\n"<<endl; return 0; } else if(choice=="Ad") { adminCheck(); } else if(choice=="Stu") { student(); } } int main() { systemCommand(); home(); return 0; } int adminCheck() { adminShow(); string usern_name; cout<<"Enter Username: "; cin>>usern_name; if(usern_name=="admin") { adminShow(); string password; cout<<"Enter Password:
"; cin>>password; if(password=="admin") { admin(); } else { cout<<"\n\n\n\tWrong
Password!\n\t\tTry Again.......\n\n"<<endl; Sleep(1500); return adminCheck(); } } else { cout<<"\n\n\n\tWrong
Username!\n\t\tTry Again.......\n\n"<<endl; Sleep(1500); return adminCheck(); } } int admin() { adminShow(); cout<<"1.Student
List"<<endl; cout<<"2.Attendance
Record"<<endl; cout<<"3.Add a
Student"<<endl; cout<<"4.Remove a
Student"<<endl; cout<<"5.Remove All
Students"<<endl; cout<<"6.Attendance
cout<<"0.Exit"<<endl; int choice; cout<<"\n\n\tChoose an
Option(0-6) :"; cin>>choice; if(choice>6 || choice<0) { cout<<"\n\nWrong
Option!\n\tTry again.........."<<endl; Sleep(2000); system("cls"); return admin(); } else if(choice==0) { systemCommand(); return home(); } else if(choice==1) { studentList(); } else if(choice==2) { attendanceRecord(); } else if(choice==3) { addStudent(); } else if(choice==4) { removeAStudent(); } else if(choice==5) { removeAllStudents(); } else if(choice==6) { attendanceCall(); } } int studentList() { systemCommand(); sortStudentList(); sortStudentAttendance(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"STUDENT LIST\n\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"searching for
result......."<<endl; Sleep(2000); systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"STUDENT LIST\n\n\n"<<endl; if(student_list.empty()) { cout<<"No
Student!"<<endl; } else { int serial_no=1; cout<<" ROLL\tNAME"<<endl; for(it=student_list.begin();
it!=student_list.end(); ++it) {
cout<<serial_no<<". ";
cout<<it->first<<"\t\t"<<it->second<<endl; ++serial_no; } } char c; cout<<"\n\n\nPress any key to
go back :"; cin>>c; return admin(); } int attendanceRecord() { systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
RECORD!\n\n"<<endl; if(student_attendance.empty()) { cout<<"Sorry,no
Students!\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"press any key to go
back :"; char c; cin>>c; return admin(); } else { int serial_no=1; cout<<"Total attendance
called :"<<total_days<<"\n\n"<<endl; cout<<" ROLL\tATTENDANCE"<<endl; for(sa=student_attendance.begin();
sa!=student_attendance.end(); ++sa) {
cout<<serial_no<<". ";
cout<<sa->first<<"\t\t"<<sa->second<<endl; ++serial_no; } cout<<"\n\nPress any key
to go back :"; char c; cin>>c; return admin(); } } int addStudent() { systemCommand(); while(1) { cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"ADD A STUDENT\n\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"1.add"<<endl; cout<<"0.go
back\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"Choose an Option
:"; int choice; cin>>choice; if(choice==0) {
Information......."<<endl; Sleep(2000); return admin(); } else if(choice==1) { systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"ADD A STUDENT\n\n\n"<<endl; int roll_number; string student_name; cout<<"enter roll
number :"; cin>>roll_number; cout<<"\nenter name
:"; cin>>ws; getline(cin,student_name);
student_list.push_back(make_pair(roll_number,student_name)); student_attendance.push_back(make_pair(roll_number,0));
Information......."<<endl; Sleep(2000); return addStudent(); } else { cout<<"\n\nWrong
Option!\n\tTry again.........."<<endl; Sleep(2000); return addStudent(); } } } int removeAStudent() { systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"REMOVE A STUDENT!\n\n"<<endl; if(student_list.empty()) { cout<<"Sorry,No
Students\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"press any key to go
back :"; char c; cin>>c; return admin(); } else { while(1) {
cout<<"1.remove"<<endl; cout<<"0.go
back\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"Choose an
Option :"; int choice; cin>>choice; if(choice==0) { return admin(); } else if(choice==1) { systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"REMOVE A STUDENT!\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"enter roll
number :"; int roll_number; cin>>roll_number; it=student_list.begin(); sa=student_attendance.begin(); while(it!=student_list.end()
&& sa!=student_attendance.end()) {
if(it->first==roll_number) {
student_attendance.erase(sa); systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"REMOVE A STUDENT!\n\n"<<endl;
cout<<"\n\n\tRemoving Student.......\n"<<endl; Sleep(1500);
cout<<"Press any key to go back. :"; char c; cin>>c; return
removeAStudent(); } ++it; ++sa; } systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"REMOVE A STUDENT!\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"Sorry,No
such roll number!\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"Press any
key to go back. :"; char c; cin>>c; return removeAStudent(); } else { systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"REMOVE A STUDENT!\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"\n\nWrong
Option!\n\tTry again.........."<<endl; Sleep(2000); return removeAStudent(); } } } } int removeAllStudents() { systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"REMOVE ALL STUDENTS!\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"removing all
students......."<<endl; Sleep(1500); cout<<"\tremoving all
students........"<<endl; student_list.clear(); student_attendance.clear(); Sleep(1500); systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"REMOVE ALL STUDENTS!\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"\t\tremoved all
students.\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to go
back. :"; char c; cin>>c; return admin(); } int attendanceCall() { systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"ATTENDANCE CALL\n\n"<<endl; if(student_attendance.empty()) { cout<<"Sorry,no
Students!\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to go
back :"; char c; cin>>c; return admin(); } else { ++total_days; it=student_list.begin(); sa=student_attendance.begin(); while(it!=student_list.end()
&& sa!=student_attendance.end()) { systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"ATTENDANCE CALL\n\n"<<endl;
cout<<it->first<<"\t"; char c; cin>>c; if(c=='p') { ++sa->second; } ++it; ++sa; } cout<<"\n\n\t\tEnd of
call!"<<endl; cout<<"\n\n\n\t\tSaving
Information......."<<endl; Sleep(1500); systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"ATTENDANCE CALL\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"\n\n\n\t\tSaved
Information!\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to go
back :"; char c; cin>>c; return admin(); } } int student() { systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
')<<setw(50)<<"STUDENT\n\n"<<endl; if(student_list.empty()) { cout<<"Sorry,no
students!\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to go
back :"; char c; cin>>c; systemCommand(); return home(); } else { cout<<"enter roll number
:"; int roll_number; cin>>roll_number; it=student_list.begin(); sa=student_attendance.begin(); int serial_no=0; while(it!=student_list.end()
&& sa!=student_attendance.end()) { if(it->first==roll_number) { ++serial_no; systemCommand(); cout<<setfill('
"<<roll_number<<" "<<it->second<<" "<<sa->second<<endl; cout<<"\n\n\nPress
any key to go back :"; char c; cin>>c; systemCommand(); return home(); } ++it; ++sa; } cout<<"\n\nSorry,no such
roll number!\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to go
back :"; char c; cin>>c; systemCommand(); return home(); } } |
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information click here. …till next post, bye-bye and take care. |
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